Detailed topic list for Community Web

Results from Community web retrieved at 08:33 (GMT)

AdminTopic Gateway * WebTopicEditTemplate: Scaffold for the new topics
Agenda Eighth General Assembly See the EighthGeneralAssemblyMinutes for the minutes and Irc log of assembly. Time and Place The 8th General Assembly will be vir...
Agenda Eighth General Assembly Time and Place The 8th General Assembly was held using IRC channel #foswiki association on the freenode network. Time Date *...
Agenda Eleventh General Assembly See the EleventhGeneralAssemblyMinutes for the minutes and Irc log of assembly. Time and Place The 11th General Assembly will b...
Agenda Extraordinary General Assembly 2021 Time and Place The Agenda Extraordinary General Assembly 2021 will be virtual, using IRC channel #foswiki associat...
Agenda Fifth General Assembly See the FifthGeneralAssemblyMinutes for the result. Time and Place The 5th General Assembly will be virtual, using IRC channel #fos...
Agenda Fourth General Assembly See the FourthGeneralAssemblyMinutes for the result. Time and Place The 4th General Assembly will be virtual, using telephone conf...
Agenda Initial General Assembly Please discuss on the discussion page. FoswikiSummit09MeetingMinutes After the Association is created by a core team and intereste...
Agenda Ninth General Assembly Time and Place The 9th General Assembly will be virtual, using IRC channel #foswiki association on the freenode network. If you can...
This topic was wrongly named originally. Please go to AgendaSecondGeneralAssembly
Agenda Second General Assembly Please discuss on the discussion page. Time and Place The second General Assembly will be virtual, using telephone conferencing, I...
Agenda Seventh General Assembly See the SeventhGeneralAssemblyMinutes for the minutes and Irc log of assembly. Time and Place The 7th General Assembly will be v...
Agenda Sixth General Assembly See the SixthGeneralAssemblyMinutes for the minutes and Irc log of assembly. Time and Place The 6th General Assembly will be virtu...
Agenda Tenth General Assembly Time and Place The 10th General Assembly will be virtual, using IRC channel #foswiki association on the freenode network. If you ca...
Agenda Third General Assembly Please discuss on the discussion page. See the ThirdGeneralAssemblyMinutes for the result. Time and Place The third General Assembl...
Agenda Thirteenth General Assembly Decisions made are highlighted in Red below. See Foswiki GA IRC logs.txt for details. Time and Place The 13th General Assembly...
Agenda Twelfth General Assembly Time and Place The 12th General Assembly will be virtual, using IRC channel #foswiki association on the libera network. If you ca...
Association for Foswiki The Foswiki Association is the non profit foundation tasked with caring of the interests of the Foswiki project. About The Foswiki Associ...
Current version: Foswiki Association Articles (2010 11 30) Future changes to the articles can be discussed in this wiki and then be brought into a General Assembl...
AssociationArticlesDraft This draft is work in progress. It is based on the articles currently in use by the Foswiki Association (version 24. Sept 2009). However ...
AssociationArticlesTalk Clarification of Terminology Paragraph 1: I do not believe "irretrievable" is appropriate (it suggests that the software cannot be acce...
Warning: these articles are currently in the process of being updated as requested by the german tax office. See AssociationArticlesDraft for the current draft of...
Warning: these articles are currently in the process of being updated as requested by the german tax office. See AssociationArticlesDraft for the current draft of...
This is the german translation of the AssociationArticles. The translation work is coordinated on the correponding Talk page. AssociationArticlesTranslationGerm...
Organization of the translation of the association articles Status of translation 1 Please fill in your name before you start translating. 1 Translate 1...
AssociationBoard The Foswiki Association Board comprises the following members: %IMAGE{ "LB_photo.jpg" topic="Main.LynnwoodBrown" caption="Lynnwood Bro...
Foswiki Association Board Meeting Minutes 2009 11 30 Agenda 1 Review this agenda, identify chair and minute taker, and how we will record/track actions for th...
Foswiki Association Board Meeting Minutes 2010 01 18 Agenda 1 Accept minutes of previous meeting 1 Main.CrawfordCurrie believes the minutes represent a...
Foswiki Association Board Meeting Minutes 2010 02 15 Agenda 1 Accept minutes of previous meeting 1 Review incomplete actions * ACTION: Michael will...
Foswiki Association Board Meeting Minutes 2010 03 02 Agenda 1 Accept minutes of previous meeting 1 Review incomplete actions * ACTION: Michael will...
AssociationBoardMinutes20101113 Agenda 1 Legal status Changes to the articles 1 Financial report 1 General assembly agenda, date 1 Status of tra...
AssociationBoardMinutes20120120 * January 20th, 2012, 01:00pm GMT * Google Hangoout Agenda 1 elect chairman, vice chairman and treasurer * Please c...
AssociationBoardMinutes20140523 * May 25th, 2014, 13:00 GMT * IRC Chat Agenda 1 elect chairman, and treasurer 1 planning ahead for the next general as...
AssociationBoardMinutes20140606 * April 6th 2014, 12:15 UTC * IRC Chat Agenda Meeting called immediate after GA 1 Elect officers for new Board 2 Consid...
AssociationBoardMinutes20170406 * April 6th 2014, 12:15 UTC * IRC Chat Agenda Meeting called immediately after GA 1 Elect officers for new Board 2 Cons...
AssociationBoardMinutes20180816 * 16 Aug 2018 * IRC Chat on #foswiki association channel Attendees * Main.JulianLevens * Main.KennethLavrsen * M...
AssociationBoardMinutes20191010 * 10 Sep 2019 * IRC Chat on #foswiki association channel Attendees * Main.JulianLevens * Main.KennethLavrsen * Main...
AssociationBoardMinutes20210607 * 06 June 2021 3pm UTC (5pm Hamburg Germany, 11am East Coast US please correct if this is off) * IRC Chat on #foswiki asso...
Task Team for the Association Articles (and Bylaws) Target completion date: 2008 11 30 If you want to participate in this project, add your name to the "Participa...
AssociationMembershipFeeMotion This motion needs a proposer and a specific summary Summary The General Assembly shall set the annual membership fee to XXX. De...
AssociationVoting How to vote We will need some clarification about how to vote and generally have 2 options: 1. Open election by simply raising hands or coun...
Basic form for categorising topics Name:* *Type: Size: Values: Tooltip message: TopicClassification select 1 Classify a topic Topic Summa...
Be positive and constructive in your communication Please discuss on the discussion page. Problems that arise It can be difficult to always be positive and cons...
BePositiveAndConstructiveTalk Allowing the comments of others to be edited? If I understand correctly, the section "An allowed way of 'censorship'" is trying to ...
BlogCentral Please discuss this topic on BlogCentralTalk. (For an explanation of Talk Pages, please see TalkPageConcept.) The Foswiki Blog We are currently discu...
BlogCentralTalk This is a TalkPage, so please... * Sign any posts you make * Don't delete anybody else's posts (unless deliberate vandalism etc) * DO fe...
Brand Logo System.ProjectLogos Copyright © 2008 Foswiki Community The icon The full logo The logo badge The logo in vector SVG: foswiki logo.svg General rem...
Brand Logo talk page Previous discussion: revision 125 A while ago the Foswiki Association Board has asked me to (continue to) work on the logo. I would like to p...
Brand Name: Foswiki After various deliberations, the name "Foswiki" was chosen for the project. Foswiki is a shortened form of "Free and Open Source Wiki" and rep...
BrandNameQuestionnaire Timeline: This survey has finished! Please cast your votes until next Tuesday, 2008 11 18 18:00 GMT. The results will be presented as ...
Number of topics: 50
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See also the faster WebTopicList
Topic revision: r5 - 15 Nov 2006, ProjectContributor
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