Feature Proposal: Add logout handlers for LoginManagers


Allow a LoginManager to respond to a logout request and perform non-Foswiki cleanup operations when a user logs out.

Description and Documentation

As of Foswiki 1.0.9, there really isn't any way for a LoginManager to be alerted that a logout is taking place. The _LOGOUT and _LOGOUTURL ClassMethods only generate the links a user clicks on to initiate a log out. The log out activity itself all takes place in the LoginManager base class with no opportunity for an extension to add or modify the actual logout processing.





-- Contributors: BryanThale - 18 May 2010


I guess this request could be expanded into a general "Refactor the LoginManager API" request as there are some other oddities in the interface such as the login method from ApacheLogin & TemplateLogin

---++ ObjectMethod login( $query, $session )
sub login {
    my ( $this, $query, $session ) = @_;

Where other methods in the classes simply retrieve the session & query from the login manager's internal data structures.

---++ ObjectMethod forceAuthentication () -> boolean
sub forceAuthentication {
    my $this  = shift;
    my $session = $this->{session};
    my $query = $session->{request};

-- BryanThale - 18 May 2010

yup - rather than adding 'handlers' in the Plugins sense, I splitting up Foswiki::LoginManaager::loadSession into logical constituent parts for LoginManager implementations to over-rise makes sense.

there are at least 4 parts to it - load existing session, login, logoff, sudo

-- SvenDowideit - 18 May 2010

Topic revision: r5 - 19 Nov 2015, GeorgeClark
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