This question about Using an extension, Missing functionality: Answered

Browse for Images on server

-- JeffHarr - 15 Feb 2017

Is the any way to browse for images and return the url of that image?

Preferably using Tinymce?

Right now the user has to click on the "Insert an image" button, open up a new browser window, find the image they are looking for, copy the url, and paste it into the "Image url" field. I have been able to get this to work in a stand alone version of Tinymce, but have no idea how to incorporate it into Foswiki. I know this wouldn't work across domains. The images would all be stored on the same domain as Foswiki.

The latest build of TinyMCE (should be released in 2.2.0, if not before) uses a pretty much "stock" TMCE, so you should be able to get it to work there.

-- Main.CrawfordCurrie - 07 May 2017 - 09:27

QuestionForm edit

Subject Using an extension, Missing functionality
Extension TinyMCEPlugin
Version Foswiki 2.1.2
Status Answered
Related Topics
Topic revision: r2 - 07 May 2017, CrawfordCurrie
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