This question about Using an extension: Answered



I have configured Foswiki 2.1.3 on Windows 10(64 bit). I have Perl 5, version - 24, subversion - 1 (ActiveState) Running on Apache/2.4.25 (Win 64).

I was trying to install TreePlugin and TreeBrowserPlugin using the configure page of my Foswiki installation.

After Going to Extension operation and Maintenance -> Install, Update or Remove Extension -> Search for Extension

I am able to search TreeBrowserPlugin. But when I select it and click on to install, it just opens a new window showing Validation and no other message. This keeps on continuing and does not install or gives any error message.

Even I can not find any error message in the logs:


Could you please suggest what could be the possible issue and how can i rectify it.

-- FahadOzair - 14 Oct 2017

You might try installing it from the command line. Switch to your Foswiki installation directory and run

C:\www\foswiki> perl tools\extension_installer TreeBrowserPlugin install

This might reveal whatever is going wrong.

-- GeorgeClark - 17 Oct 2017

I did a quick test on a very old Windows XP virtual machine I had available, with an old Strawberry Perl and Apache 2.2. The extension installer seemed to work fine.

The other thing you can check if you try the Web Configure installer again, is to use the Network debugger in the browser to look at the request sent to jsonrpc to run the installation, and any returned information. Some errors might not be handled correctly by the javascript code. But that's pretty unusual.

-- GeorgeClark - 17 Oct 2017

Thanks George for your Help. Actually I noticed it was the Firewall/Proxy setting which was blocking the installation, when I got it bypassed, I was able to install it properly.

-- FahadOzair - 17 Oct 2017

QuestionForm edit

Subject Using an extension
Extension TreeBrowserPlugin
Version Foswiki 2.1.3
Status Answered
Related Topics
Topic revision: r4 - 18 Oct 2017, GeorgeClark
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