This question about Topic Markup Language and applications: Answered

WYSIWYG only available to AdminGroup

Hi everybody!

I would like to ask you for help, because I did not find my issue in the FAQ. I installed FOSwiki and created some users which I placed in the AdminGroup and some in a AssociationMembersGoup, which I created earlier. Interestingly every user can edit any page, but only those users in the Admin group can use the WYSIWYG editor, while the others need to write plain WikiText. If I pick a user from the AssociationMembersGoup and put it in the AdminGroup the user has access to the WYSIWYG editor as well. This seems not to be specific to a topic or the topics permissions so I might assume that plugin access is restricted to groups and needs to be somehow allowed. Can someone please help me with that issue.

Thanks in advance!


-- MimesotTheFirst - 05 Nov 2017

Have you restricted access to your System web?

I've been able to duplicate this behavior if I restrict access to the System web to the AdminGroup. If the user is unable to read any of the following topics, then Wysiwyg editor will be unable to initialize:

  • System/TinyMCEPlugin
  • System/WysiwygPluginSettings
  • System/WysiwygPluginTopicLister

It's possible (and recommended) to deny access to the System web to the WikiGuest user. Topics required for registration, password reset, etc. have explicit overrides to allow use by guests, but there are no per-topic overrides for registered users. It's assumed that all logged in users have access to the system web.

-- GeorgeClark - 05 Nov 2017

Hi! Thank you for your fast reply. I have indeed made the system web invisible to all users except for the AdminGroup. As your answer suggests I gave all users in my AssociationMembersGroup view permissions and the WYSIWYG editor worked as expected. Best Regards mimesot

PS: Still, it seems as if I broke the registration as well.

-- MimesotTheFirst - 09 Nov 2017

The System web is recommended to be set to:
       *    Set DENYWEBVIEW = %USERSWEB%.WikiGuest
This prevents the search bots, etc. from placing any load on your system web, and gives all registered users access to the documentation. User Registration should work okay with a restricted System web. We now ship topics that need guest access with a META setting, ALLOWTOPICVIEW = *. So even with the System web restricted, the registration related topics and password reset still can be accessed by guests.

The following topics have an ALLOWTOPICVIEW = * override. They are needed for correct operation of many of the default topics.
Topic Use
CommentPluginTemplate Used for various COMMENT macros
DefaultUserRegistration The non-customized user registration form
InterWikis Used to render cross-wiki links
JQueryAjaxHelper Used for form autocomplete
LanguageSelector Used in page header with internationalization enabled
PatternSkinHorizontalNavigationExample Navigation buttons
PatternSkinNavigation Navigation buttons
PatternSkinThemeFatWillyNavigation Navigation buttons for FatWilly theme (obsolete)
ResetPassword User's can't login, so reset must be usable by guests
UserForm Used during registration
UserRegistrationParts Components used during registration
UserRegistration Used by guests to register
WebAtomBase Included from other webs, contains components.
WebBottomBarExample displays on all pages bottom bar
WebChanges Components included from all WebChanges topics
WebIndex Components included from all WebIndex topics
WebLeftBarExample Skin component
WebLeftBarLogin Skin component - login menu
WebLeftBarSearch Skin component - Search
WebLeftBarWebsList Skin component - Weblist
WebPreferencesHelp Included from all webs prefs topics
WebRssBase Components used on all RSS pages
WebSearch Included on all web search pages
WebTopicEditTemplate Used when editing any topic
WebTopBarExample Skin component
WebTopicList Included from all WebTopicList topics

-- GeorgeClark - 10 Nov 2017

If user registration is still broken, make sure that any customized versions of the UserRegistration topic also has the ALLOWTOPICVIEW = * override.

-- GeorgeClark - 10 Nov 2017

QuestionForm edit

Subject Topic Markup Language and applications
Extension TinyMCEPlugin
Version Foswiki 2.1.4
Status Answered
Related Topics
Topic revision: r4 - 10 Nov 2017, GeorgeClark
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