This question about Configuration, Registration: Answered

User registration error

-- İsteUtopya - 14 Apr 2018

Hello everybody,

I am the owner of " ". However, while we were able to register users without any problem, something happened and, now we can not register a new user to my Foswiki.

Here is the messages of registration process:

When a new user try to register it goes to approval as below.

Thank you for registering.png

When I try to approve user registration I face with below error message.

Latest registration error for EmrahAKIN.png

When I requested help from technical support team of my hosting provider they replied me like this:

"We have checked and the registration of new users is failing because of the following error:

2018-04-09T08:14:49+00:00 warning Registration failed: AccessControlException: Access to CHANGE TestNew1 for RegistrationAgent is denied. access not allowed on web
As it seems the above error is related to the configuration of your application or of the template application method. Please revise the configuration of your application, so you could provide sufficient privileges to the RegistrationAgent."

I will be very glad if you support me to solve above issue and enable "user registration" again.

Sinan GUL

A fan of Foswiki in Turkey

Have you restricted access to the Users web (Main) on your site? If so, you must give the special RegistrationAgent user access to the web. If you intend to lock down the Usersweb to only allow registration, you need to add the built in RegistrationAgent to the ALLOWWEBCHANGE setting.


-- GeorgeClark - 14 Apr 2018

Thank you very much GeorgeClark. The above issue solved as you have suggested. Thanks to Slack, many many thanks to Foswiki.

-- İsteUtopya - 15 Apr 2018

QuestionForm edit

Subject Configuration, Registration
Version Foswiki 2.1.4
Status Answered
Related Topics
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Latest registration error for <a class="foswikiNewLink" href="/bin/edit/Support/EmrahAKIN?topicparent=Support.Question1934" rel="nofollow" title="Create this topic">EmrahAKIN</a>.pngpng Latest registration error for EmrahAKIN.png manage 97 K 14 Apr 2018 - 21:01 İsteUtopya Here is the error message
Thank you for registering.pngpng Thank you for registering.png manage 103 K 14 Apr 2018 - 20:42 İsteUtopya No problem for this phase.
Topic revision: r4 - 15 Apr 2018, GeorgeClark
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