This question about Using an extension: Answered
TreeBrowserPlugin doesn
I'm new to Foswiki, but an old TWiki-user. Now trying to get "my Foswiki" running, same matter as TWiki. Therefor I need in the LeftBar this Extension for menu.
I've put the example as in Plugin described, but nothing happens. Seems, that something is missing to get PlugIn running.
Any idea or hint?
Thanks and regards,
NorbertKress - 18 Jan 2022
You might also consider looking into
JSTreeContrib which serves the same purpose and has been maintained much more recently.
LynnwoodBrown - 18 Jan 2022
I've tried it, but it's not so handy as
TreeBrowserPlugin (TOC) but it also didn't work. I'm getting in my environment an "update-hint" about
JQueryPlugin, but this is an "actual date". Because of, that both Plugins didn't work, I guess, that the error is at other site.
I've found a website, where it works:
It looks like, that something isn't working with javascript: if I look to
JQueryPlugin and inside to "Available jQuery Plugins, I didn't find Treebrowser and Jscontrib?
NorbertKress - 19 Jan 2022
PS: javascript is enabled at browser
NorbertKress - 19 Jan 2022
Problem had been the config of the "shared Apache-Server". All files in folder pub were unavailable, which I've found out on base of an hint from
MichaelDaum to use the error-console on Chrome. There I've seen a 404.
May be, an supplement in the configure-routine could help, to check if all files/directories are accessable.
Status can set to Closed
NorbertKress - 22 Jan 2022