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Attachment Image Thumbnails are not displayed and Create Link not working
Hi there,
I don't know since when this problem started, but the attachment thumbnails for image attachments are no longer shown,
instead I see this here:
%IMAGE{ "TerminAnzeigenAls.png" tooltip="on" size="48x48^" crop="northwest" title="TerminAnzeigenAls.png" output="png" warn="off" data="origUrl:'http://foswiki/pub/WITec/Organisation/AbwesenheitenInfo/TerminAnzeigenAls.png?_t=1673627458', title:'TerminAnzeigenAls.png', origWidth:$origwidth, origHeight:$origheight" }%
The next problem is that when I want to create a link to an attachment via Dropdown, then there is just a "Error during 'createlink'" error message.
Any thoughts?
Thank you !
HenningDampel - 13 Jan 2023
Please check that
ImagePlugin is installed and running fine.
MichaelDaum - 13 Jan 2023