---+ Security Alert: Multiple vulnerabilities addressed in Foswiki-2.1.4. This alert covers a number of Severity 3 issues corrected through the normal bugfix process. *XSS / JavaScript injection vulnerabilities:* * Foswikitask:Item14381 mod_perl unexpectedly decodes the URI, and X-FoswikiURI header should be debug only. * Foswikitask:Item14377 Error message from rest script requires some encoding. *Other security related issues* * Foswikitask:Item14346 Systemd service file example runs foswiki as root. ---++ Severity Level 3 The severity level was assigned by the Foswiki Community.SecurityTaskTeam as documented in Development.SecurityAlertProcess ---++ Vulnerable Software Versions ---++ MITRE Name for this Vulnerability The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project has assigned the name CVE- to this vulnerability, see http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE- ---++ Impact None of these issues are believed to result in compromise of the web server or of Foswiki data. ---++ Details Details are available in the individual linked tasks. These will be available for viewing following the general release of Foswiki 2.1.4. ---++ Countermeasures Good browser practices can now prevent most XSS injection attacks. We also recommend use of the appropriate Security headers. These can be set in the web server configuration. ---++ Authors and Credits Thanks to Tim Coen of Curesec !GmbH for finding and reporting the XSS issues. And thanks to Maxime Besson who reported the issue with the systemd files. ---++ Hotfix for Foswiki Production Release No hotfixes are available for these vulnerabilities. Upgrade to Foswiki-2.1.4