Feature Proposal: It would be really neat if users who belong to a web have the authority to move topics from a web to trash.


Currently only admins can move topics to trash. I think for some instances groups/users that belong to a web should be able to move topics from that web to the trash. This does not mean that those users can view the trash contents, but just be able to move topics in their web to trash, if they wanted. My motivation for this is because admins can't do everything and if this was just restricted to users of a web then it shouldn't cause too much havoc. This option could be turned on/off on a site basis as well as a web basis for those who don't need/want this functionality.

Description and Documentation

Provide a way for users/groups of a web can move topics to trash. If this is not possible, at least allow for a user to be able to flag an item as trash candidate so the admins are aware of the request.





-- Contributors: TjMaciak - 24 Jun 2009


Setting this to Rejected. Users can move topics to Trash web. They don't need to be admins.

-- GeorgeClark - 06 Dec 2010

ChangeProposalForm edit

TopicSummary It would be really neat if users who belong to a web have the authority to move topics from a web to trash.
CurrentState RejectedProposal
ReasonForDecision None
Topic revision: r2 - 06 Dec 2010, GeorgeClark
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