GoogleAnalyticsPlugin Development

This is the topic to discuss development of download GoogleAnalyticsPlugin

help If you need support, go to Support.GoogleAnalyticsPlugin where you can ask questions and find answers to previously asked questions. warning If you want to report a bug, or a feature request, go to Tasks.GoogleAnalyticsPlugin where you can see already submitted issues and where you can submit a new bug report or feature request.

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ported to Foswiki in Tasks.Item1142, including updating to the script instead of urchin.js

-- WillNorris - 25 Feb 2009

Just a minor issue ...

The version number of Installed Version in bin/configure?action=FindMoreExtensions showed *% DATE % (V2.0.1) * (there is no space between % AND DATE).

But the Most Recent Version showed 22 Mar 2009 (V2.0.1), and the Action showed Install rather than Re-install.

I was installed this plugin by configure script.

-- ChYang - 22 Mar 2009

[20:09] <SvenWasHere> why is GoogleAnalytisPlugin a Plugin?
[20:09] <SvenWasHere> does the pluginbit do anything ? or is it just a tmpl based beast?
[20:11] <SvenWasHere> or better said, now that i've looked at the pointless .pm file..
[20:11] <SvenWasHere> why's it not a Contrib?
[20:11] <SvenWasHere> :P
[20:43] <wbniv> because it started out as a Plugin
[20:43] <wbniv> then i simplified things so that there was no code
[20:43] <wbniv> just the templates, as u have surmised
[20:44] <wbniv> there was discussion to rename it to a Contrib
[20:44] <wbniv> but "we" (arthur and i, mostly; arthur is the original author before i hijacked it) were waiting for 2 reasons:
[20:44] <wbniv> 1. it doesn't work with NatSkin (yes PatternSkin and WidgetsSkin, but not NatSkin)
[20:44] <wbniv> 2. waiting to see if we wanted to add any new features; that is, things which would actually require plugin code
[20:45] <wbniv> and we didn't want to rename it to a Contrib and then back to a Plugin again

-- WillNorris - 01 Jun 2009
Topic revision: r10 - 01 Jun 2009, WillNorris
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