Feature Proposal: Make bulk registration a bit easier to set up and use
There are several open tasks on this going back to T* days
There really is some low hanging fruit here, using template topics, forms and EDITTABLE to make this much easier to use.
Description and Documentation
- Create a BulkRegistrationInputTemplate topic that builds the table columns from a search of the field names in the NewUserTemplate (or an alternate template name)
- Add a selection field on BulkRegistration topic to chose which User Template to use when creating the UnprocessedRegistrations topic.
- Add a button to the BulkRegistration topic which will create the UnprocessedRegistrations topic automatically using the above template.
- List the formfield names on the template topic, and populate the registration table from selected fields.
- Add a ViewTemplate for the BulkRegistrations that shows the log of the last run.
- Add a Bulk Password Reset form to the bulk registration log.
Contributors: GeorgeClark - 20 Feb 2017
Most of this was already done on various enhancement tasks, but it got big enough that I decided to create a feature request.
Jumped the gun because this got started with bugfixes and minor enhancements that grew a bit too large. So subject to revert.
GeorgeClark - 23 Feb 2017
Changing this to
UnderConstruction. No feedback.
GeorgeClark - 15 Mar 2017