System.Macros should observe the following syntax:
macro ::= '%' macro_name [ argList ] '%' ;
argList ::= '{' args '}' ;
args ::= cheat_args | well_formed_args ;
cheat_args ::= any string not including the substring '}%' ;
well_formed_args ::= [ default_arg ] ( spaces named_arg )* ;
default_arg ::= double_quoted_string ;
named_arg ::= arg_name '=' double_quoted_string ;
macro_name ::= /[A-Z][A-Z:_0-9]*/ ;
arg_name ::= /[a-zA-Z0-9_]*/ ;
spaces ::= /[\n\t ]+/ ;
::= introduces a production
; terminates a production
'%' indicates a literal
| separates alternatives
[ ... ] indicates an optional construct
( ... )+ indicates "one or more of"
( ... )* indicates "zero or more of"
/.../ indicates a regular expression