Feature Proposal: Make Sure Wikiname Is WikiWord With OpenLDAP Authentication REMOTE_USER
I have a OpenLDAP working fine and the foswiki authentication works fine, but que REMOTE_USER is not a WikiWord, then is not a Valid Topic Name. If the variable WIKINAME is derived from REMOTE_USER, this may be converted to WikiWord.
Description and Documentation
I recently migrated to Foswiki from TWiki and excluded all the user pages. Authentication is done only in OpenLDAP.
Our LDAP has the following attributes:
dn: uid=jarbas.peixoto,ou=Usuarios,dc=teste
givenName: Jarbas
sn: Peixoto
uid: jarbas.peixoto
mail: jarbas.peixoto@previdencia.gov.br
cn: Jarbas Peixoto Junior
Apache has been configured to authenticate with the
uid as follows
- File
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Informe IDENTIFICADOR e SENHA do OpenLdap (Acesso Restrito para a DATAPREV)"
AuthBasicProvider "ldap" "file"
AuthLDAPURL "ldap://mmldap:389/ou=Usuarios,dc=teste?uid,mail,cn?sub?(|(objectClass=shadowAccount)(o=DATAPREV))"
AuthLDAPRemoteUserAttribute uid
AuthzLdapAuthoritative Off
AuthUserFile /var/lib/foswiki/data/.htpasswd
When authentication occurs, the
WikiName is the uid is not a
WikiWord. Then the automatic creation of User Topic does not work.
I made a small change to the uid is a
- File
# needs to be WikiName safe
#BEGIN: uppercase fisrt char (jarbas.junior@gmail.com)
my @words;
@words = ( $this->{cUID2WikiName}->{$cUID} =~ /(\w+)(\W?)/g );
for (my $i = 0; $i < @words; $i++) {
$this->{cUID2WikiName}->{$cUID} = join("",@words);
#END: uppercase first char (jarbas.junior@gmail.com)
$this->{cUID2WikiName}->{$cUID} =~ s/$Foswiki::cfg{NameFilter}//go;
Now, when authentication is the User Topic is created normally and I use the permission of local groups.
Contributors: JarbasJunior - 09 Sep 2010