Feature Proposal: Specifying both topic name and parent name would be useful


If there are many submissions of topics via email, it would be easier to manage and control if any new submission could be ascribed a parent topic.

Description and Documentation

Example: A Web is set up for a specific project with a number of sub projects. Each sub-project has its own suppliers topic in which a list of potential suppliers is maintained for the project. If a supplier submits an email to a Foswiki user to email to the MailInContrib, it would help if the new Topic (say,!SupplierXQuoteA123) is "attached" as a sub topic to the ProjectSuppliersTopic.

Suggestion:- At the moment a topic name is referenced by the mailincontib by looking for a valid Wiki name in the start of the To:CC or Subject fields.

From my testing it shows that the valid TopicName delimiter appears to be a colon.

Subject: MyWeb.SupplierXQuotye: Quote attached
has a valid Topic name whereas

Subject:!MyWeb.SupplierXQuotye : Quote attached
doesn't (the colon position appears to be crucial).

If I could specify the folllowing:

Subject: MyWeb.SupplierXQuotye:!ProjectSuppliersTopic: Quote attached
Then the colon delimiter specifies both web,topic and parent. Create a rule which deals with a parent topic not being known: either reject as error or process topic without any parent topic specified.





-- Contributors: BobCorless - 25 Oct 2010


Topic revision: r1 - 25 Oct 2010, BobCorless
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