MicrosoftTeamsIntegrationOfFoswiki |
Microsoft Teams Integration of Foswiki |
None |
05 Feb 2021 - 14:27 |
EikeChristianWeiss |
OfficeConnector |
Provide an Office Connector like in Confluence |
None |
09 Jan 2019 - 14:49 |
KellySobiesiak |
OfferAnOpenSearchPlugin |
Offer an OpenSearch plugin |
None |
05 Oct 2018 - 14:56 |
ChristianKern |
UpdateEnhanceWYSIWYGEditor |
Update / Enhance WYSIWYG Editor |
None |
09 Mar 2018 - 12:21 |
CrawfordCurrie |
Add a hide option to STARTSECTION |
None |
GeorgeClark |
16 Feb 2018 - 02:47 |
GeorgeClark |
CleanUpFoswikiLocales |
Provide relevant locale support in pure Foswiki code and eliminate perl/OS locale |
None |
JulianLevens |
17 Jan 2018 - 18:32 |
GeorgeClark |
UseRefererForRPC |
Use of Referer HTTP header as a source of default web.topic for RPC calls |
None |
13 Jan 2018 - 15:49 |
GeorgeClark |
GuardAgainstCopyrightInfringement |
Add controls and documentation to reduce infringing topics. |
None |
04 Sep 2017 - 13:39 |
RandyKramer |
ManagingApplications |
Manage and deploy Applications |
None |
MartinCleaver |
17 Oct 2016 - 10:41 |
KabilanKabilan |
EnhancementToWebMacro |
Suggested Enhancement to WEB Variable |
None |
17 Feb 2016 - 08:46 |
CrawfordCurrie |
AddDKIMEmailSigning |
Add code to sign emails with DKIM |
None |
GeorgeClark |
13 Feb 2016 - 18:04 |
GeorgeClark |
AddFurtherTopicNameControls |
Add optional controls on valid topic names |
None |
20 Jan 2016 - 08:03 |
CrawfordCurrie |
RequirePerl510From2017x03 |
Ongoing upgrade of minimum perl version |
None |
07 Jan 2016 - 22:46 |
JozefMojzis |
WantedPages |
Want to view a page that lists all internal links that don't yet have a created wiki page. |
None |
19 Nov 2015 - 20:39 |
GeorgeClark |
PluginOrderShouldSpecifyLastPlugins |
Allow PluginOrder setting to also specify the last plugins to process |
None |
GeorgeClark |
3.0 |
03 Nov 2015 - 16:34 |
GeorgeClark |
DIsplayBrokenuserLinksBetter |
Display broken user links better |
None |
CrawfordCurrie |
Tasks.Item353 |
03 Nov 2015 - 15:57 |
GeorgeClark |
GroupNamesShouldBeLanguageIndependent |
Group names should be language independent |
None |
10 Sep 2015 - 06:02 |
MichaelDaum |
TextEditModePreviewWindow |
Preveiw Window does not remember size |
None |
22 Jun 2015 - 14:21 |
LorenEvey |
AllowFootNotePluginDeactivation |
FootNotePlugin should have an option for topic specific deactivation |
None |
10 Apr 2015 - 16:55 |
FranzJosefGigler |
ReplacementForChili |
Replacement for chili syntax highlighter |
None |
Item11254 |
09 Feb 2015 - 15:29 |
GeorgeClark |
TasksWebFacelift |
Tasks web could really use a facelift |
None |
28 Sep 2014 - 15:39 |
GeorgeClark |
SynchroniseInlineAndMetaPrefs |
In-line * Set preferences should always match META:PREFERENCE , and vice versa |
None |
CrawfordCurrie, SvenDowideit |
Tasks.Item10160, Tasks.Item1973 |
02 Jun 2014 - 00:03 |
GeorgeClark |
WebAdminPages |
Default topics that handle admin topics |
None |
06 Apr 2014 - 00:01 |
GeorgeClark |
ImproveAttachmentHandling |
Attachments need better tools for searching, tagging, viewing and file handling |
None |
07 Mar 2014 - 20:12 |
ClausBrod |
SupportDITA |
It would be really neat if Foswiki could fully support DITA publishing |
None |
17 Feb 2014 - 08:24 |
MichaelDaum |
FormattedSearchReturnPatternAndCountInContext |
Feature Proposal: Enhance Formatted Search to return pattern and count in context |
None |
18 Nov 2013 - 16:16 |
ThomasZobel |
AddListOperationsToFORMAT |
Add list operations to FORMAT |
None |
ArthurClemens, SvenDowideit |
17 Oct 2013 - 09:31 |
MichaelDaum |
WriteAQueryCookbook |
A query cookbook is essential to help new users |
None |
23 Apr 2013 - 07:55 |
ThomasSchmidt |
SimpleChecklistSupport |
Support simple checklists as inspired by Evernote |
None |
31 Oct 2012 - 15:57 |
ArthurClemens |
EncodeMacroOutputForJavaScript |
ENCODE macro should have a mode for outputting JavaScript string constants |
None |
24 Oct 2012 - 09:28 |
JanKrueger |
CertificatedStatisticsUpdate |
Add certifiable statistics update script |
None |
07 Oct 2012 - 18:25 |
TimotheLitt |
MovingConfigIntoFile |
Moving hash based configuration into external file |
None |
SvenDowideit, KennethLavrsen, CrawfordCurrie |
29 May 2012 - 06:43 |
MichaelDaum |
ConsolidateTablesWithData |
Present and edit data forms using table editors |
None |
21 May 2012 - 10:43 |
CrawfordCurrie |
BorrowXwikisIncludeMechanism |
It should be possible to include topic sections in wiki table cells |
None |
16 May 2012 - 09:54 |
MichaelDaum |
ClientSiteEditorInNatEditPluggable |
Make the client side editor in NatEdit pluggable |
None |
25 Apr 2012 - 15:00 |
AndreLichtsteiner |
DateAsAQueryHint |
Add date() as a query function |
None |
25 Apr 2012 - 06:41 |
CrawfordCurrie |
FormaliseTheProgrammingLanguage |
Formalise the topic Programming Language |
None |
all of us |
22 Apr 2012 - 01:01 |
SvenDowideit |
MissingInsteadOfUndefined |
Add missing as an alternative to undefined in QUERY |
None |
23 Mar 2012 - 09:18 |
JulianLevens |
SectionalTransforms |
Enhance STARTSECTION - improve common usages for defining re-usable markup snippets |
None |
19 Mar 2012 - 11:20 |
KipLubliner |
SupportMultiKeySorting |
Support multi-key sorting in SEARCH |
None |
SvenDowideit - at least initially |
CrawfordCurrie |
Tasks.Item11022 |
27 Feb 2012 - 23:45 |
PaulHarvey |
RelayAlertsToTopicTop |
Relay Alerts to the top of the view page |
None |
ArthurClemens |
24 Feb 2012 - 10:56 |
ArthurClemens |
GeneralisedCHARTdefinition |
Standardise the CHART macro definition |
None |
24 Feb 2012 - 08:40 |
CrawfordCurrie |
SecurityChecklists |
Security checklists for the uninitiated |
None |
23 Feb 2012 - 19:16 |
GeorgeClark |
TrimAllSpaces |
Variation on TRIM to remove all spaces |
None |
23 Feb 2012 - 05:14 |
PaulHarvey |
EnhancedShowPreference |
A full record of all Preferences across all webs would help in site consistency |
None |
CrawfordCurrie |
17 Feb 2012 - 11:29 |
CrawfordCurrie |
SearchResultsWithHeadingLinks |
It would be really neat if search results contained links to headings, à la Google (or à la Bing/Yahoo) |
None |
04 Feb 2012 - 00:42 |
JayenAshar |
SyntaxForDelayingMacrosAndFormatTokens |
Eliminate $dollar etc hell. Also see older UseSyntaxToChangeEvaluationOrder |
None |
01 Jan 2012 - 11:36 |
MichaelDaum |
AutoincFormfieldPlugin |
AutoincFormfieldPlugin |
None |
25 Oct 2011 - 11:53 |
PeterSvendsen |
KinoSearchThroughTagMeTags |
It would be really nice if KinoSearch could go through the tags created with TagMe plugin |
None |
12 Oct 2011 - 12:19 |
ValentinKozlov |
DataFormInheritance |
Proposed feature for inheritance of DataForm fields |
None |
SvenDowideit, KennethLavrsen |
12 Aug 2011 - 14:04 |
SvenDowideit |
SupportDynamicGeneratedAttachments |
Support dynamic or generated attachments |
None |
14 Jun 2011 - 12:23 |
MichaelDaum |
EnhanceInsertEditLinkDialog |
It would be nice if TinyMCE's Insert/Edit link dialog had a possibility to search through all topic names |
None |
23 Mar 2011 - 08:09 |
MichaelDaum |
FormPluginTopicDefnition |
It would be nice to be able to set the topic using form data variable substitution |
None |
19 Mar 2011 - 22:20 |
ChristophScheurer |
FuncMoveTopicIgnorePermissions |
It would be great if moveTopic would have an ignorepermissions option |
None |
09 Mar 2011 - 17:03 |
AlexanderStoffers |
MakeWEBFORMSMoreUsable |
None |
22 Jan 2011 - 00:40 |
ArthurClemens |
CachedIncludes |
Improve performance of nested sectional includes |
None |
12 Nov 2010 - 05:26 |
MichaelTempest |
QueryCustomCollections |
Query links and backlinks |
None |
07 Nov 2010 - 23:56 |
PaulHarvey |
QueryAccessControls |
It should be easier to get a definitive overview of the Access Controls present on a given topic. |
None |
07 Nov 2010 - 23:50 |
PaulHarvey |
DynamicViewEditHandling |
I'd like FW to dynamically decide whether an edit page is needed. |
None |
07 Nov 2010 - 11:51 |
SvenDowideit |
RevCommentsTopicDelete |
When deleting a Topic to Trash, have the ability to enter a descriptive revision comment |
None |
30 Oct 2010 - 08:40 |
KennethLavrsen |
MailInContribAdditionalEmailSendTo |
Currently if set to "reply" on error, just the email originator is sent an email message with the error. It would be good to nominate a "CC" email address say to the foswiki admin or whoever. |
None |
25 Oct 2010 - 11:20 |
BobCorless |
ParentTopicMailInContrib |
Specifying both topic name and parent name would be useful |
None |
25 Oct 2010 - 10:27 |
BobCorless |
ImproveVirtualHostSupportInApacheConfigGenerator |
Let's get virtual hosting sorted out |
None |
01 Oct 2010 - 20:34 |
CrawfordCurrie |
DataFormFieldPermissions |
Set permissions for DataForm fields |
None |
21 Sep 2010 - 14:05 |
PaulHarvey |
DefineOtherMacroExpansionTypes |
Define Other Macro Expansion Types |
None |
SvenDowideit |
17 Sep 2010 - 01:39 |
SvenDowideit |
AddSortingBehaviourToSearch |
Add different sorting behaviour(s) to search output |
None |
08 Jul 2010 - 08:17 |
MichaelTempest |
EasierNestedSearch |
Reduce $dollar |
None |
08 Jul 2010 - 06:20 |
CrawfordCurrie |
MoveFoswikiCodeIntoCPAN |
migrate foswiki into CPAN |
None |
16 Jun 2010 - 08:05 |
CrawfordCurrie |
CreoleSupport |
Why wouldn't FosWiki support Creole markup ? |
None |
ChristopheVermeulen |
05 May 2010 - 06:59 |
ChristopheVermeulen |
DeKi-alike WYSIWYG |
None |
19 Mar 2010 - 02:51 |
WillNorris |
FixDelete |
Fix brain-dead delete |
None |
17 Mar 2010 - 22:58 |
DrakeDiedrich |
FoswikiBookProposal |
A community-written book |
None |
16 Mar 2010 - 12:42 |
AntonioTerceiro |
TopicsShouldGetTypesFromFormsNotNames |
Topics should get types from forms (or other method) not from names (Bogus forms and templates) |
None |
MartinCleaver |
15 Mar 2010 - 19:27 |
ArthurClemens |
LimitCreationOfSubWebs |
Limit the creation of sub webs separately |
None |
AndreLichtsteiner |
24 Feb 2010 - 14:13 |
AndreLichtsteiner |
SyntaxHighlightingEditor |
Syntax Highlighting Editor |
None |
30 Dec 2009 - 14:09 |
PaulHarvey |
EditChapterPluginChildSections |
EditChapter should always show body of a chapter, not just a title. |
None |
24 Dec 2009 - 16:58 |
SeanMorgan |
SupportXMLGeneration |
Support an XML schema for webs/topics |
None |
05 Dec 2009 - 15:16 |
CrawfordCurrie |
InterfacingWithValidationMethods |
Strikeone and friends need a cleaner API |
None |
Tasks.Item8323 |
19 Nov 2009 - 09:02 |
CrawfordCurrie |
TopicObjectModel |
Topic Object Model (TOM) |
None |
06 Nov 2009 - 06:26 |
PaulHarvey |
SearchBySection |
SEARCH should be able to search in a specified section |
None |
06 Nov 2009 - 06:06 |
PaulHarvey |
RedesignAdminToolsCategory |
Redesign AdminToolsCategory |
None |
ArthurClemens |
19 Sep 2009 - 10:59 |
SvenDowideit |
CronWizardFunctionalityInEachRelavantPlugin |
Better Crontab documentation in each plugin |
None |
03 Jul 2009 - 07:01 |
CraigBowers |
MailerContribShouldOptionallyExcludeCertainAuthors |
MailerContrib should not notify on changes by certain authors (incl. $MYSELF) |
None |
23 Jun 2009 - 11:04 |
OliverKrueger |
OneTimeNotification |
One Time Notification for Topic Creation |
None |
20 Mar 2009 - 23:58 |
WillNorris |
SupportHorizontalMenusThroughRenderListPlugin |
Define a horizontal menu with alt and title tags using a bulleted list |
None |
11 Mar 2009 - 11:04 |
BramVanOosterhout |
AllowTopicAccessWhenFormRestricted |
The access rights of a form overrule the access rights of the topic to which it is attached |
None |
DavidPatterson |
24 Nov 2008 - 10:35 |
DavidPatterson |