RayPlante Would Like to Check-in
Who am I?
I am a physicist at the US National Institute of Standards (NIST) and Technology in the Office of Data and Informatics within the Materials Measurement Lab. I previously worked as an astronomer at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois, specializing in scientific data applications.
What do I want?
write access to the foswiki github account for the following repositories or tools:
- Access: Core
- Access:
- Access: wikiplugins
What can I do?
I have over twenty years experience in software development for science data applications, particularly web-based ones. I might call myself a recovering Perl programmer as the first third of my career was heavily Perl-based, but I've discovered I've gotten pretty rusty of late. I've also been involved with some security-related projects, particularly relating to standards-based single sign-on. I have contributed to a variety of open-source development projects; in recent years, these have been primarily
GitHub -hosted projects. I'll admit to liking to develop documentation, and I'm a big fan of wikis.
Why do I want to do it?
I'm interested in seeing Foswiki made more available for use by the US government, particularly my own agency, NIST. This would require that the application meet certain security requirements. We recently did a scan of the Foswiki application which raised a number of security issues that should be easy to correct, so I would like to help see that happen.
Other Notes
Topics I have contributed to