| *Feature* | *Summary* | | [[Foswiki:Development.AddConcatOptionToAttrs][AddConcatOptionToAttrs]] | Add +"more" and key+"more" options to Foswiki::Attrs | | [[Foswiki:Development.CompleteMIMESupportInEmail][CompleteMIMESupportInEmail]] | Wrap all outgoing mails into uniform and safe MIME envelope. | | [[Foswiki:Development.CustomNewUserTemplates][CustomNewUserTemplates]] | Enhance register script to specify a =templatetopic= param instead of hard-coded 'NewUserTemplate' | | [[Foswiki:Development.DeprecateHTTPandHTTPS][DeprecateHTTPandHTTPS]] | Deprecate and restrict System.VarHTTP and System.VarHTTPS macros due to security concerns | | [[Foswiki:Development.MakeItEasierToBlockSystemWebGuestAccess][MakeItEasierToBlockSystemWebGuestAccess]] | Simplify hiding the System web documentation. | | [[Foswiki:Development.MakeZonesLessIntrusive][MakeZonesLessIntrusive]] | Make zones less intrusive, especially for non-HTML output | | [[Foswiki:Development.SplitTopicAttachmentNameFilters][SplitTopicAttachmentNameFilters]] | Separate the topic and attachment name filters, allow spaces in attachment names, remove colon from Topic names. |