Feature Proposal: It would be nice if a SmiliesPlugin picture could come from other sources but the topic
Customizing the pictures requires to add or exchange pictures. I found that in this case the new picture must be attached to the topic to work and external sources like e.g. a URL to a picture from a contrib didn't work. This feature would stop the superflous task of extracting a picture from a picture contrib and re-attaching it to the
SmiliesPlugin topic.
Description and Documentation
Enable usage of external picture sources for the
As of now the "standard" definition of pictures uses ATTACHURL:
| <nop>:-) | %ATTACHURL%/smile.gif | "smile" |
It should also be able to use e.g. one of the following 2 additional ways to work with any other picture not attached to the topic. You also see here the TML definitions in the source topic which are resolved or not resolved as shown in the below picture.
| <nop>:inAU: | %PUBURLPATH%/System/FamFamFamFlagIcons/au.png | "inAU" |
| <nop>:inAU2: | <img src="%PUBURLPATH%/System/FamFamFamFlagIcons/au.png" /> | "inAU2" |
:inAU: :inAU2:
<img src="%PUBURLPATH%/System/FamFamFamFlagIcons/au.png" />
Non standard paths to pictures are not resolved by the System.SmiliesPlugin
Contributors: IngoKappler - 03 Jul 2009