Configuring WebDAVContrib with Apache2 and mod_perl
If your site is already running on Apache with mod_perl, then the simplest
way to configure
WebDAV is to use the same Apache server. If you are using
mod_fcgid, see
Configuration Wizard
Configuring ConfiguringWebDAVContribWithApache for use with Foswiki and Apache mod_perl.
Step 1: basic settings
Step 2: mod_perl configuration
Create the file
with the
following content:
use ModPerl::RegistryLoader;
use lib '/var/www/wiki/bin';
do 'setlib.cfg';
This tells WebDAVContrib where you want to run Foswiki from.
Step 3: Apache configuration
Add the following to your Apache configuration (must be included into the
base configuration; will
not work in
This exposes the
path on your server. You can change this location
to whatever you want, but make sure the
matches it.
PerlRequire "/var/www/wiki/tools/"
PerlLoadModule Apache::FoswikiDAVHandler
<Location "/dav">
SetHandler perl-script
FoswikiLocation "/dav"
FoswikiFilesysHandler Filesys::Virtual::Foswiki
PerlHandler Apache::FoswikiDAVHandler
This will configure DAV
without authentication, so all transactions will use
the "guest" login. See "Configuring authentication" below for information
on configuring web server authentication.
Restart your apache server.
The path should now show you all your root
webs, when viewed from a DAV-enabled client.
Step 4: Testing
The best way to verify your server is working is to use a simple, reliable
WebDAV client program such as
(available for most platforms
- you can get a Windows version from **).
and open the DAV folder on the server:
dav:!> open
dav:/dav/> ls
Listing collection `/dav/': succeeded.
Coll: Main 4096 Mar 25 12:42
Coll: Sandbox 4096 Apr 6 08:19
Coll: System 20480 Apr 7 10:32
dav:/dav/> cd Sandbox
dav:/dav/> put packages.txt LoremIpsum.txt
Progress: [===================>] 100.0% of 320 bytes succeeded
dav:/dav/> cat LoremIpsum.txt
Displaying `/dav/Sandbox/LoremIpsum.txt':
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do
eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut
enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris
nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor
in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat
nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident,
sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum....
dav:/dav/> cd LoremIpsum_files
dav:/dav/> put muspimerol.gif
Progress: [===================>] 100.0% of 2800 bytes succeeded
dav:/dav/> ls
Listing collection `//dav/Sandbox/LoremIpsum_files/': succeeded.
muspimerol.gif 2800 Apr 12 14:38
If cadaver reports any errors, check your apache error log on the server.
You can verify that the LoremIpsum topic has been created by going to
shows that the creation of the LoremIpsum topic and the subsequent uploading of the
attachment was done using the WikiGuest user. If you try to do the same in the System directory, you will get a failure response:
dav:!> open
dav:/dav/> cd Sandbox
dav:/dav/> put packages.txt LoremIpsum.txt
Uploading packages.txt to `/dav/System/LoremIpsum.txt':
Progress: [=============================>] 100.0% of 320 bytes failed:
401 Authorization Required
(At this point attempting to access the WebFolder using Windows XP service pack 2 allows you to browse the folders, but opening any files will fail)
Step 5: Configuring authentication
If you configured your server as described above, it will be configured
without authentication. That means that all transactions will happen as the "guest" user. In most cases you will want to require a login by the client, so that the user can be identified.
To configure authentication you simply protect the folder using
Apache authentication method of choice. WebDAVContrib will automatically
log in to Foswiki using the username (or Wiki Name) that was used to log in
to Apache.
For example, you could use Basic Authentication to protect the DAV folder,using the password file used by the default Foswiki setup:
PerlRequire "/var/www/wiki/tools/"
PerlLoadModule Apache::FoswikiDAVHandler
<Location "/dav">
SetHandler perl-script
FoswikiLocation "/dav"
FoswikiFilesysHandler Filesys::Virtual::Foswiki
FoswikiDebug 0
PerlHandler Apache::FoswikiDAVHandler
AuthName "Foswiki"
AuthUserFile /var/www/wiki/data/.htpasswd
AuthType Basic
<LimitExcept OPTIONS>
require valid-user
Here, OPTIONS requests are excluded because of a bug in Windows, which doesn't send auth headers with OPTIONS requests. This should not be a security risk, as OPTIONS only tells the client what the server's capabilities are.
Restart the web server after any change to the Apache configuration.
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\cadaver>cadaver.bat
dav:!> open
Authentication required for Foswiki on server `':
Username: BillGates
dav:/dav/> ls
Listing collection `//dav/': succeeded.
Coll: Main 4096 Feb 24 07:14
Coll: Sandbox 4096 Apr 10 00:51
Coll: System 24576 Apr 9 09:01
Note that Basic Authentication is much more secure if used over
SSL (with https: URLs).
If you are having problems with WebDAV you can enable tracing in the Apache
handler and the file system interface using the
directive. See
WebDAVContrib#Debugging for more information.