{ "name":"AcronymDefinitionsPlugin",
"description":"A plugin to wrap acronyms in an HTML \"acronym\" element with \"title\" attribute",
"compatibility": "Tested on Foswiki 1.1.4 / Apache / Linux / Chromium.",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search",
"version":" 14686 (2012-05-04) ",
"release":" 0.1 "
{ "name":"ActionTrackerPlugin",
"description":"Adds support for action tags in topics, and automatic notification of action statusesAdds support for action tags in topics, and automatic notification of action statuses",
"compatibility": "Foswiki 1.1
Does NOT work on Foswiki 1.0 any longer.",
"classification": "Workflow automation",
{ "name":"AliasPlugin",
"description":"Define aliases which will be replaced with arbitrary strings automatically",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation, User interactivity",
"release":"25 Aug 2011"
{ "name":"AntiWikiSpamPlugin",
"description":"Lightweight wiki spam preventionLightweight wiki spam prevention",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Security",
{ "name":"ApprovalPlugin",
"description":"Defines a set of states for one or more topics, with each state requiring approval by one or more users.",
"compatibility": "Foswiki >=1.0",
"classification": "Workflow automation",
"version":" 11605 (2011-05-03) ",
"release":" 1.1 "
{ "name":"AttachContentPlugin",
"description":"Saves dynamic topic text to an attachment",
"compatibility": "Foswiki 1.0",
"classification": "Data and Files",
"release":"21 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"AttachLinkPlugin",
"description":"Painless links to attachments ",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files",
"version":" 21 Dec 2008 (V1.001) ",
{ "name":"AttachmentFilterPlugin",
"description":"This plugin filters attachment by their content type and allows to block specific attachments",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Security",
"version":" 11 Dec 2008 (V0.2) ",
{ "name":"AttachmentListPlugin",
"description":"Displays a formattable list of topic attachments - from any topic - anywhere in a topicDisplays a formattable list of topic attachments, anywhere in a topic.",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files",
"release":"14 July 2017"
{ "name":"AttachmentUrlShortcutPlugin",
"description":"Easy linking to attachments for everyone %A% -->",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files",
"version":" 12 Feb 2009 (V0.4) ",
{ "name":"AutoRedirectPlugin",
"description":"automatically redirect a set of topics",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files, Security",
"release":"21 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"AutoSubPlugin",
"description":"Plugin designed to substitute links (or any other formatting) for wiki-words and non-wiki-words alike.",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
{ "name":"AutoTemplatePlugin",
"description":"Automatically sets VIEW_TEMPLATE, EDIT_TEMPLATE and PRINT_TEMPLATE",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"27 Apr 2022"
{ "name":"AutoViewTemplatePlugin",
"description":"Automatically sets VIEW_TEMPLATE and EDIT_TEMPLATE",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"06 Aug 2023"
{ "name":"AvatarPlugin",
"description":"embed Avatars into foswiki",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "",
"version":" 11875 (2011-06-08) ",
"release":" 1.0.0 "
{ "name":"BarcodePlugin",
"description":"This plugin creates embedded Code128 barcodes in a page.",
"compatibility": "Foswiki-1.0.0",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"version":" 1.004 (30 Mar 2009) ",
{ "name":"BatchUploadPlugin",
"description":"Attach multiple files at once by uploading a zip archive",
"compatibility": "Foswiki >= 1.1 only",
"classification": "Data and Files",
"version":" 11345 (2011-04-08) ",
"release":" 1.3 "
{ "name":"BeautifierPlugin",
"description":"Provides the %CODE% and %ENDCODE% macros to display code fragments with formatting and syntax highlighting for improved readbility in wiki topics.",
"compatibility": "Foswiki 1.0.9
Firefox/Win 3.5.9
Safari/Win 3.2.3",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"version":" 7136 (2010-04-09) ",
"release":" 1.0 "
{ "name":"BehaviourContrib",
"description":"=Behaviour= Javascript event library to create javascript based interactions that degrade well when javascript is not available",
"compatibility": "Foswiki 1.0.0",
"classification": "Development",
"version":" 5016 (2009-09-20) ",
"release":" 1.5 "
{ "name":"BibliographyPlugin",
"description":"Cite bibliography in one topic and get a references list automatically created.",
"compatibility": "Foswiki >= 1.0",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search",
"version":" 11925 (2011-06-15) ",
"release":" 2.2.2 "
{ "name":"BibtexPlugin",
"description":"Embed BibTeX entries.",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search",
"version":" 14947 (2012-06-01) ",
"release":" 2.2.1 "
{ "name":"BigBlueButtonPlugin",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "User interactivity",
"version":" 10081 (2010-11-26) ",
"release":" 1.0.0 "
{ "name":"BioKbPlugin",
"description":"Create a knowledgebase for a biological system of choice",
"compatibility": "Tested in Fedora 10, Foswiki 1.07",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search, Interface and Visualisation",
"version":" 6031 (2010-01-12) ",
{ "name":"BlackListPlugin",
"description":"Utility to keep malicious users away from a public Foswiki site",
"compatibility": "Foswiki 1.0.4",
"classification": "Admin, Security",
"version":" 04 Jan 2010 ",
{ "name":"BlogAddOn",
"description":"A simple weblog application based on Data Forms",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "User interactivity",
"version":" 10818 (2011-02-27) ",
"release":" 1.9.1 "
{ "name":"BlogPlugin",
"description":"A blogging system for Foswiki",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search, User interactivity",
"release":"2 May 2019"
{ "name":"BookmakerPlugin",
"description":"Provides a UI and an API for other extensions that support the definition and maintenance of a specific topic ordering",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Exporting, Printing and Publishing",
"version":" 15213 (2012-07-26) ",
"release":" 1.1.0 "
{ "name":"BreadCrumbsPlugin",
"description":"A flexible way to display breadcrumbs navigation",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search, Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"21 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"BridgePlugin",
"description":"Render bridge hands and auction from RBN",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "",
"release":"31 October 2018"
{ "name":"BrowserBoosterPlugin",
"description":"Embeds js and css files into the page to reduce the number of http objects.",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "",
"version":" 2008-12-27 ",
{ "name":"BrowserDetectPlugin",
"description":"Determine Web browser, version, and platform from an HTTP user agent string",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Development",
"release":"27 Apr 2022"
{ "name":"BugsContrib",
"description":"Item Tracking system implemented as a Foswiki Application",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Development, Workflow automation",
"version":" 9513 (2010-10-05) ",
"release":" 4 Oct 2010 "
{ "name":"BugzillaLinkPlugin",
"description":"Render links to Bugzilla repositories.",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"10 Apr 2017"
{ "name":"BuildContrib",
"description":"Automates build and packaging process, including installer generation, for extension modules.",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Development",
"release":"27 Apr 2022"
{ "name":"CacheContrib",
"description":"Caching services for Foswiki extensions",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files",
"release":"21 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"CalDAVPlugin",
"description":"Extract a list of events from a !CalDAV (iCal) server",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files, Information structuring and Search",
"version":" 8317 (2010-07-26) ",
"release":" 1.001 "
{ "name":"CalendarPlugin",
"description":"Show a monthly calendar with highlighted eventsShow a monthly calendar with highlighted events",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "User interactivity",
"release":"18 Jul 2017"
{ "name":"CaptchaPlugin",
"description":"A visual challenge-response test to prevent automated scripts from using the wiki",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Security",
"release":"21 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"CasLoginContrib",
"description":"CAS SSO Login for foswiki",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Security",
"version":" 1.6.4 ",
"release":" 1.6.4 "
{ "name":"CharsetConverterContrib",
"description":"Convert entire Foswiki RCS databases from one character set to UTF-8",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Admin, Data and Files",
"release":"15 Sep 2015"
{ "name":"ChartPlugin",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"11 Jun 2018"
{ "name":"ChecklistPlugin",
"description":"Maintain a list of checklist items with a simple mouse click.",
"compatibility": "2.0.0, 1.1.9, 1.1.8, 1.1.7, 1.1.6, 1.1.5, 1.1.4, 1.1.3, 1.1.2, 1.1.1, 1.1.0",
"classification": "User interactivity",
"release":"11 Jun 2018"
{ "name":"ChecklistTablePlugin",
"description":"Create a checklist table",
"compatibility": "Foswiki-1.0.0",
"classification": "User interactivity",
"version":" V1.006 (14 May 2009) ",
{ "name":"ClamAVScanPlugin",
"description":"Scans attachments for viruses, malware and other threats during uploadScans attachments for viruses during upload using ClamAV",
"compatibility": "Foswiki 1.0, 1.1 and 2.x Not tested on Windows.",
"classification": "Admin, Data and Files, Security",
"release":"31 Aug 2016"
{ "name":"ClassificationPlugin",
"description":"A topic classification plugin and application",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search",
"release":"02 May 2019"
{ "name":"CommentPlugin",
"description":"Quickly post comments to a page without an edit/save cycle",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "User interactivity",
"release":"06 Aug 2023"
{ "name":"CompareRevisionsAddOn",
"description":"Compares two revisions of a document. In contrast to normal _rdiff_, the comparison is done with the rendered HTML output.",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"06 Aug 2023"
{ "name":"ConfigurePlugin",
"description":"=configure= interface using json-rpc",
"compatibility": "Foswiki 2.0.2. *Do not install this update on Foswiki 1.x, 2.0.0, or 2.0.1.* ",
"classification": "",
"release":"06 Aug 2023"
{ "name":"ContributorsPlugin",
"description":"List editors of a topic, and topics edited by a user\"",
"compatibility": "foswiki 1.0",
"classification": "Data and Files, Interface and Visualisation",
"version":" 10305 (2010-12-14) ",
"release":" 2.0 "
{ "name":"ControlWikiWordPlugin",
"description":"Plugin to stop linking of WikiWords or force linking of non-standard WikiWordsPlugin to stop linking of WikiWords or force linking of non-standard WikiWords",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
{ "name":"CopyContrib",
"description":"Copies webs, topics, attachments, or part of them",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files",
"release":"30 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"CounterPlugin",
"description":"This plugin maintains the Visitor Count for the site.",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "",
{ "name":"CpanContrib",
"description":"CpanContrib ships basic CPAN modules Foswiki relies on.CpanContrib ships basic CPAN modules Foswiki relies on.",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Development",
"release":"06 Feb 2016"
{ "name":"CssPlugin",
"description":"Abstracts CSS class names",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Development, Interface and Visualisation",
"version":" 3752 (2009-04-28) ",
{ "name":"DBCacheContrib",
"description":"Reusable code that treats forms as if they were table rows in a database",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Development",
"release":"29 Apr 2024"
{ "name":"DBCachePlugin",
"description":"Lightweighted frontend to the DBCacheContrib",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files, Development, Information structuring and Search",
"release":"29 Apr 2024"
{ "name":"DBConnectorPlugin",
"description":"Enables you to use simple methods to store and read data for topics. The Editor is included in the plugin - use it right away",
"compatibility": "Not maintained, does not work out of the box. Try SqlPlugin instead.",
"classification": "Data and Files",
"version":" 15 Mar 2009 (V0.9) ",
{ "name":"DBIPlugin",
"description":"Database middle layer to manage connections and schemes",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files",
"release":"21 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"DBIQueryPlugin",
"description":"Make complex database queries using DBI Perl module",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files",
{ "name":"DBIStoreContrib",
"description":"Supports fast queries and searches over the content of topics and attachments by caching wiki topics in an SQL database (e.g. MS SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL)Supports fast queries and searches over the content of topics and attachments by caching wiki topics in an SQL database (e.g. MS SQL Server, !MySQL, !PostgreSQL)",
"compatibility": "Foswiki 1.1.9 and later",
"classification": "",
"release":"14 Jul 2017"
{ "name":"DataFlowDiaPlugin",
"description":"Plugin containing macros for generating data flow diagrams",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
{ "name":"DatabaseContrib",
"description":"Provides subroutines useful in writing plugins that access a SQL database.Provides subroutines useful in writing plugins that access a SQL database.",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files",
"release":"10 Jan 2018"
{ "name":"DatabasePlugin",
"description":"Provide access to data in a SQL databaseProvide access to data in a SQL database",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files",
"version":"2.2 5.0 (tested with 5.6.1 [mysql] and 5.8.0 [Oracle and Local] ) ",
"release":"02 Nov 2016"
{ "name":"DateManipPlugin",
"description":"Date times, durations and recurrences",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files, Multilingual and Locality",
"release":"26 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"DateTimePlugin",
"compatibility": "Foswiki 1.2.0 or earlier",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search",
"version":"4740 4740 ",
"release":"1.2 1.2 "
{ "name":"DbiContrib",
"description":"API for other Contribs and plugins to use to abstract database accesses",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Admin, Development",
"version":" 9963 (2010-11-11) ",
"release":" 1.0.2 "
{ "name":"DebianRepositoryPlugin",
"description":"automatically creates a Debian repository listing .deb attachments",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "",
"version":" 14234 (2012-03-07) ",
"release":" 0.2.0 "
{ "name":"DebugLogPlugin",
"description":"Detailed Debug logging for Foswiki",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "",
"version":" 0 (20 Apr 2009) ",
{ "name":"DeeplPlugin",
"description":"Deepl translation service for Foswiki",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation, User interactivity",
"release":"03 May 2024"
{ "name":"DelayMacroPlugin",
"description":"Plugin delays expansion of Foswiki macros",
"compatibility": "Any Foswiki version",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search",
"version":" 6882 (2010-03-24) ",
"release":" 1.1 "
{ "name":"DiffPlugin",
"description":"Compare difference between topics and revisions",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation, User interactivity",
"release":"21 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"DigestPlugin",
"description":"Calculate a message digest, i.e. MD5 or BASE64",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Development",
"release":"08 Mar 2016"
{ "name":"DirectedGraphPlugin",
"description":"Draw graphs using the !GraphViz utility",
"compatibility": "2.0.0, 1.1.9, 1.1.8, 1.1.7, 1.1.6, 1.1.5, 1.1.4, 1.1.3, 1.1.2, 1.1.1, 1.1.0, 1.0.10, 1.0.9, 1.0.8, 1.0.7, 1.0.6, 1.0.5, 1.0.4, 1.0.3, 1.0.2, 1.0.1, 1.0.0",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
{ "name":"DirectedGraphWebMapPlugin",
"description":"Directed Graph of (part of) a web",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search, Interface and Visualisation, User interactivity",
"version":" 9810 (2010-10-31) ",
{ "name":"DisqusPlugin",
"description":"Disqus-based commenting system",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation, User interactivity",
"release":"16 Aug 2018"
{ "name":"DistributedServersPlugin",
"description":"CDN and loadbalancing Wiki support",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Admin",
"version":" 767 (18 Nov 2008) ",
{ "name":"DocumentViewerPlugin",
"description":"Embed presentations, spreadsheets, PDFs and other documents",
"compatibility": "2.0.0",
"classification": "Data and Files",
"release":"22 Apr 2022"
{ "name":"DojoToolkitContrib",
"description":"Adds Dojo Toolkit javascript to Foswiki.",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Development, User interactivity",
"version":" 2564 (20 Feb 2009) ",
{ "name":"DownloadZipPlugin",
"description":"Download all attachments at once in a zip archive.",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "",
"version":" 13790 ",
"release":" 1.0.0 "
{ "name":"DoxygenPlugin",
"description":"Plugin containing for linking to Doxygen-generated diagrams",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search",
{ "name":"DpSyntaxHighlighterPlugin",
"description":"Client side syntax highlighting using the [[https://github.com/syntaxhighlighter/syntaxhighlighter][SyntaxHighlighter]]",
"compatibility": "1.1.9",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
{ "name":"DrupalUsersContrib",
"description":"replace the Foswiki User and Groups System with Drupal's",
"compatibility": "foswiki 1.0",
"classification": "Admin, Security",
"version":" $Rev$ ",
{ "name":"EasyMacroPlugin",
"description":"Write %MACROS in pure topic markup language",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Development",
"release":"2 Jun 2014"
{ "name":"EasyTimelinePlugin",
"description":"Generate graphical timeline diagrams from markup text",
"compatibility": "Foswiki: 1.0, 1.1
OS: Linux, Windows, Mac OSX",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"version":" 10249 (2010-12-10) ",
"release":" 1.4 "
{ "name":"EditChapterPlugin",
"description":"An easy section editing facility",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation, User interactivity",
"release":"21 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"EditRowPlugin",
"description":"Inline edit for tables",
"compatibility": "Foswiki 2.0.2. *Do not install this version on Foswiki 1.x, 2.0.0, or 2.0.1.* ",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation, User interactivity",
"release":"12 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"EditSyntaxPlugin",
"description":"Edit Foswiki content using your preferred wiki syntax",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "",
"version":" 09 Jul 2006 (V1.000) ",
{ "name":"EditTablePlugin",
"description":"Edit tables using edit fields, date pickers and drop down boxes",
"compatibility": "Foswiki 1.1
Do not install on Foswiki 1.0.x",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search, User interactivity",
"release":"06 Aug 2023"
{ "name":"EidoGoPlugin",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"version":" 01.01.2009 ",
{ "name":"EmptyPlugin",
"compatibility": "Foswiki 1.0.0",
"classification": "Development",
{ "name":"EncryptPlugin",
"description":"Encrypt Plugin stores passwords in topics \"for your eyes only\"",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "",
"release":"10 Jul 2019"
{ "name":"ExcelImportExportPlugin",
"description":"Renders an attached Excel spreadsheet as Foswiki table",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files",
"version":"3050 5.005 ",
"release":"11 Jun 2018"
{ "name":"ExitPlugin",
"compatibility": "Does not work with any released Foswiki version. Should not have been uploaded in its current state",
"classification": "",
"version":" 5299 (2009-10-17) ",
{ "name":"ExpandTopicContentPlugin",
"description":"Expands all macros and expandvariables type sections of a topic and return the raw markup",
"compatibility": "Foswiki 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search",
{ "name":"ExplicitNumberingPlugin",
"description":"Use the ==##.,== ==##..== etc. notation to insert outline numbering sequences (1, 1.1, 2, 2.1) in topic's text. Also support numbered headings.",
"compatibility": "Tested with Foswiki 1.0",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"08 Mar 2016"
{ "name":"ExportCookiePlugin",
"description":"Exports the value of a cookie into the Foswiki variable EXPORTCOOKIE",
"compatibility": "Foswiki 0.9 and up",
"classification": "Development",
"version":" 09 Dez 2008 (V0.2) ",
{ "name":"ExtendedWebListPlugin",
"description":"Extended Web List Plugin provides the ability to only show subwebs within current top web.",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"version":"1.1 (30 Jul 2015) 5.008 ",
{ "name":"ExtensionsRepositoryContrib",
"description":"Host extensions for testing or private distribution",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "",
"version":" 9538 (2010-10-09) ",
"release":" 8 Oct 2010 "
{ "name":"ExternalLinkPlugin",
"description":"Adds a visual indicator to outgoing links",
"compatibility": "2.0.0, 1.1.9, 1.1.8, 1.1.7, 1.1.6, 1.1.5, 1.1.4, 1.1.3, 1.1.2, 1.1.1, 1.1.0, 1.0.10, 1.0.9, 1.0.8, 1.0.7, 1.0.6, 1.0.5, 1.0.4, 1.0.3, 1.0.2, 1.0.1, 1.0.0",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
{ "name":"FSBrowserPlugin",
"description":"A plugin to enable browsing of a filesystem hierarchy.",
"compatibility": "Tested on Foswiki 1.1.4 / Apache / Linux / Chromium.",
"classification": "Data and Files",
"version":" 14980 (2012-06-14) ",
"release":" 0.1.0 "
{ "name":"FamFamFamContrib",
"description":"FamFamFam Silk is a smooth, free icon set, containing over 2000 icons",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"06 Aug 2023"
{ "name":"FamilyTreePlugin",
"description":"A simple genealogy database",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search, Interface and Visualisation",
"version":" 9514 (2010-10-05) ",
"release":" 4 Oct 2010 "
{ "name":"FarscrollContrib",
"description":"Clone a scrollbar far away",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"15 Mar 2014"
{ "name":"FastCGIEngineContrib",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Admin",
"release":"30 Sep 2021"
{ "name":"FaviconPlugin",
"description":"Display a badge, image or video in a browser tab's favicon",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"30 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"FeedPlugin",
"description":"Syndication feed parser",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search",
"release":"29 Apr 2024"
{ "name":"FieldHistoryPlugin",
"description":"Record the history of a formfield inside the topic text ",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "",
{ "name":"FilesysVirtualPlugin",
"description":"Implementation of the Filesys::Virtual::Plain API over a Foswiki store",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files, Development",
"release":"06 May 2022"
{ "name":"FilterPlugin",
"description":"Substitute and extract information from content by using regular expressions",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Development",
"release":"21 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"FindElsewherePlugin",
"description":"Automatically link to another web(s) if a topic isn't found in the current web.",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search",
{ "name":"FirebugLitePlugin",
"description":"FirebugLite javascript based debugger for IE, Opera, Safari and FireFox",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Development",
"version":" 5371 (2009-10-24) ",
"release":" 24 Oct 2009 "
{ "name":"FlexFormPlugin",
"description":"Flexible way to render DataForms",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Development, Interface and Visualisation, User interactivity",
"release":"22 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"FlexPaperPlugin",
"description":"flash-based document viewer component",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"29 Apr 2022"
{ "name":"FlexWebListPlugin",
"description":"Flexible way to display hierarchical weblists",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Development, Information structuring and Search",
"release":"21 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"FlotChartPlugin",
"description":"A JQuery based CHARTs for Foswiki",
"compatibility": "Foswiki 1.0",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation, User interactivity",
"version":" 9525 (2010-10-06) ",
"release":" 1.3 "
{ "name":"FlowchartPlugin",
"description":"Create a flowchart from topic text",
"compatibility": "Foswiki-1.0.0",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search, Interface and Visualisation",
"version":" 8203 (2010-07-16) ",
"release":" 16 Jul 2010 "
{ "name":"FootNotePlugin",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "",
"version":" 1.2) ",
{ "name":"ForEachPlugin",
"description":"Loop over successive elements of a list, or a range of numbers.",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search",
"version":"1.102 5.008 ",
"release":"14 Mar 2017"
{ "name":"FormFieldListPlugin",
"description":"Search, filter and format multiple data form fields from multiple topics.",
"compatibility": "20 Jun 2009 (v2.1)%0d%0a",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search",
"version":" 10259 (2010-12-10) ",
"release":" 2.2 "
{ "name":"FormPlugin",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "User interactivity",
"version":" 14547 (2012-04-03) ",
"release":" 2.4.0 "
{ "name":"FormQueryPlugin",
"description":"Provides query capabilities across a database defined using forms and embedded tables in Foswiki topics. ",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search",
"version":" 5542 (2009-11-17) ",
"release":" 17 Nov 2009 "
{ "name":"FortunePlugin",
"compatibility": "All Foswiki Versions",
"classification": "Data and Files, Interface and Visualisation",
{ "name":"FoswikiApplicationsContrib",
"description":"Dataform driven applications and framework",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files, Development, Information structuring and Search",
"version":" 2714 (26 Feb 2009) ",
{ "name":"FoswikiOrgPlugin",
"description":"Adds github WebHook and other utility functions for foswiki.orgAdds github WebHook and other utility functions for foswiki.org",
"compatibility": "Specific for Foswiki.org",
"classification": "Workflow automation",
"release":"06 Feb 2018"
{ "name":"FoswikirefsPlugin",
"description":"Display subversion rev, and git refs on Github",
"compatibility": "Foswiki 1.1",
"classification": "Development",
"version":" 1.02 ",
"release":" 1.02 "
{ "name":"FreeMarkerPlugin",
"description":"FreeMarker template parser.",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Development",
"version":" 10302 (2010-12-13) ",
"release":" 1.1.1 "
{ "name":"FreeMindPlugin",
"compatibility": "1.0..",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search, Interface and Visualisation",
"version":" 12521 (2011-09-13) ",
"release":" 1.1 "
{ "name":"FugueIconsContrib",
"description":"3,480 Fugue Icons from http://pinvoke.com",
"compatibility": "Installation using unzip is recommended. The Web based extension installer will most likely time out due to the very large number of files copied into the installation.",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"version":" 20121005 (2012-10-05) ",
{ "name":"FullCalendarPlugin",
"description":"Web 2.0 Calendar application.",
"compatibility": "Does not work with Foswiki 1.1.9 due to JQuery changes. (curCSS has been removed).",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation, User interactivity",
"version":" (2010-11-17) ",
"release":" 1.1 "
{ "name":"GaugePlugin",
"description":"Build dashboards that contain graphical images of gauges defined with =%GAUGE%= macros.",
"compatibility": "Foswiki >= 1.0",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"version":" 11917 (2011-06-14) ",
"release":" 1.2 "
{ "name":"GenPDFAddOn",
"description":"Generate a PDF from a Foswiki topic or topic hierarchy",
"compatibility": "Foswiki 1.x, on Linux or Windows. Requires htmldoc.",
"classification": "Exporting, Printing and Publishing",
"version":" 1.3 ",
"release":" 1.3 "
{ "name":"GenPDFPrincePlugin",
"description":"Generate PDF using Prince XML",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "",
"release":"21 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"GenPDFWeasyPlugin",
"description":"Generate PDF using WeasyPrint",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "",
"release":"21 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"GenPDFWebkitPlugin",
"description":"Generate PDF using Webkit",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "",
"release":"12 Nov 2019"
{ "name":"GeoIPPlugin",
"description":"Geo Location Information",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search, Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"21 Oct 2019"
{ "name":"GeoPlugin",
"description":"Geo location services",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "",
"version":" 3230 (2009-03-21) ",
{ "name":"GetAWebPlugin",
"description":"Create a tar-ed copy of a whole Web for backup or offline reading ",
"compatibility": "Foswiki 1.0. Not working on Foswiki 1.1 (Tested on 1.1.8) Uses private store API methods missing in 1.1.",
"classification": "Admin, Data and Files",
"version":" 2543 (20 Feb 2009) ",
{ "name":"GlobalReplacePlugin",
"description":"Global search and replace functionality across all topics in a web",
"compatibility": "Tested on Foswiki 1.0",
"classification": "Admin, Information structuring and Search",
"version":" 2960 (2009-03-10) ",
{ "name":"GluePlugin",
"description":"Enable TopicMarkup to span multiple linesEnable TopicMarkup to span multiple lines",
"compatibility": "%3cimg%20src%3d%22/pub/System/DocumentGraphics/warning.png",
"classification": "Development",
"version":"2.20 2.20 ",
"release":" 2.20 "
{ "name":"GnuPlotPlugin",
"description":"Allows users to plot data and functions using GnuPlot",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"11 Jul 2016"
{ "name":"GoUptoTocPlugin",
"description":"Adds a arrow to each header, which lets you jump up the TOC anchor",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"version":" 9949 (2010-11-10) ",
"release":" 0.2.2 "
{ "name":"GoogleAnalyticsPlugin",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search",
"version":" 4729 ",
"release":" 2.1.1 "
{ "name":"GoogleMapsPlugin",
"description":"Google Maps for Foswiki",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"12 Nov 2019"
{ "name":"GraphvizPlugin",
"description":"Draw graphs using the GraphViz utility",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files, Interface and Visualisation",
{ "name":"GridLayoutPlugin",
"description":"A 12er grid system for responsive layouts",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"21 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"HTTPDUserAdminContrib",
"description":"A User and Password module supporting text or DBM format htpasswd files, and SQL using HTTPD::UserAdmin CPAN module ",
"compatibility": "1.0",
"classification": "Admin, Security",
"version":" 4512 (2009-07-20) ",
{ "name":"HarvestPlugin",
"description":"Download and archive resources from the web",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files, Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"21 Oct 2020"
{ "name":"HeadlinesPlugin",
"description":"Show headline news in Foswiki pages based on RSS and ATOM news feeds from external sites",
"compatibility": "Foswiki 1.0.0",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search",
"version":" 6822 (2010-03-21) ",
"release":" 2.21.2 "
{ "name":"HijaxPlugin",
"description":"AJAX integration",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Development, User interactivity",
"version":" (2010-11-17) ",
"release":" 1.2 "
{ "name":"HistoryPlugin",
"description":"Shows a complete history of a topic",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"16 Nov 2020"
{ "name":"HolidaylistPlugin",
"description":"Create a table with a list of people on holidays",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search, Interface and Visualisation",
"version":" 14328 (2012-03-15) ",
"release":" 2.001 "
{ "name":"HomePagePlugin",
"description":"Allow User specified home pages - on login",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "User interactivity",
"release":"06 Aug 2023"
{ "name":"HoneyPotPlugin",
"description":"Use Project !HoneyPot to detect and filter operations initiated from suspected spammers, search engines etc.",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Admin, Security",
"version":" v1.0.0 ",
"release":" 2013-02-13 "
{ "name":"HostnamePlugin",
"description":"Displays the hostname of the server serving Foswiki.",
"compatibility": "Foswiki >=1.0",
"classification": "Development",
"version":" 11628 (2011-05-04) ",
"release":" 1.1 "
{ "name":"HttpHeaderPlugin",
"description":"Add additional lines to the HTTP header of a page.",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Development",
"version":" 1.0 ",
"release":" "
{ "name":"HttpsRedirectPlugin",
"description":"Redirect authenticated users to HTTPS url.Redirect authenticated users to HTTPS URL.",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Security",
"release":"19 Mar 2016"
{ "name":"HyphenationPlugin",
"description":"Server-side hyphenation service",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Multilingual and Locality",
"release":"22 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"HyphenatorContrib",
"description":"Automatically hyphenates text",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Multilingual and Locality",
"release":"17 Jun 2018"
{ "name":"ICalPlugin",
"description":"Access ical data in wikiapps",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files",
"release":"26 Oct 2020"
{ "name":"IfDefinedPlugin",
"description":"Render content conditionallyRender content conditionally",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Development",
{ "name":"ImageGalleryPlugin",
"description":"Displays image gallery with auto-generated thumbnails from attachments",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files, Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"26 Oct 2020"
{ "name":"ImageGeneratorPlugin",
"description":"Generates images from text",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"25 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"ImagePlugin",
"description":"Image and thumbnail services to display and alignment images using an easy syntax",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files, Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"21 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"ImmediateNotifyPlugin",
"description":"Allows immediate notification of topic changes through SMTP or Jabber",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "",
"version":" v0.3.1 (05 Jan 2010) ",
{ "name":"ImportExportPlugin",
"description":"Import and export wiki data",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "",
"version":" 14300 (2012-03-13) ",
"release":" 0.0.8 "
{ "name":"InfiniteScrollContrib",
"description":"Infinite scrolling layouts",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"21 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"InterwikiPlugin",
"description":"Link ExternalSite:Page text to external sites based on aliases defined in a rules topic",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search",
"release":"06 Aug 2023"
{ "name":"IpPlugin",
"description":"IP Address functions",
"compatibility": "Runs on Foswiki trunk; port of a version running on TWiki trunk as of Oct-2012",
"classification": "",
"version":" 24 Sep 2012 (V1.000) ",
{ "name":"IpToUserMappingPlugin",
"description":"authenticate users by IP address",
"compatibility": "foswiki 1.1+",
"classification": "Security, Workflow automation",
"version":" v1.0.0_001 ",
"release":" 30 May 2013 "
{ "name":"JEditableContrib",
"description":"The JQuery \"JEditable\" plugin, packaged for use in Foswiki",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"06 Feb 2017"
{ "name":"JHotDrawPlugin",
"description":"Java Applet based drawing editor",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation, User interactivity",
"release":"11 Aug 2015"
{ "name":"JQAjaxFormContrib",
"description":"Ajaxify html forms",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "User interactivity",
"release":"22 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"JQAutoColorContrib",
"description":"Assign colors automatically based on text properties",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"22 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"JQAutoLogoutContrib",
"description":"Log out idle user after a certain period of time",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation, Security, User interactivity",
"release":"22 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"JQCodeInputContrib",
"description":"Input widget for a series of characters",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "User interactivity",
"release":"29 Apr 2024"
{ "name":"JQDataTablesPlugin",
"description":"JQuery based progressive enhancement of tables",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation, User interactivity",
"release":"29 Apr 2024"
{ "name":"JQFullCalendarPlugin",
"description":"FullCalendar widget for Foswiki",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation, User interactivity",
"release":"22 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"JQGridPlugin",
"description":"jQuery grid widget for Foswiki",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files, Interface and Visualisation, User interactivity",
"release":"30 Aug 2017"
{ "name":"JQIMaskContrib",
"description":"javascript input mask",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "User interactivity",
"release":"26 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"JQLargeTableContrib",
"description":"Toggle fullscreen display of large tables",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"29 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"JQLimitListPlugin",
"description":"simple plugin to limit the length of a list",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"25 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"JQMomentContrib",
"description":"A lightweight javascript date library for parsing, manipulating, and formatting dates",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files",
"release":"29 Apr 2024"
{ "name":"JQPackeryContrib",
"description":"Gapless, draggable grid layouts",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"29 Apr 2024"
{ "name":"JQPasswordGeneratorContrib",
"description":"A javascript random password generator",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "User interactivity",
"release":"26 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"JQPhotoSwipeContrib",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files, Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"22 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"JQPrettyPhotoContrib",
"description":"Yet another nice lightbox plugin",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"23 Jan 2017"
{ "name":"JQRCodeContrib",
"description":"QR code generator",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"17 Dec 2018"
{ "name":"JQSelect2Contrib",
"description":"Select2 jQuery widget for Foswiki",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "User interactivity",
"release":"22 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"JQSerialPagerContrib",
"description":"Splits up a list and makes it a pager scroller thingy",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"26 Oct 2020"
{ "name":"JQTablePlugin",
"description":"Javascript implementation of the classic TablePlugin, using JQueryJavascript implementation of the classic TablePlugin, using JQuery",
"compatibility": "Should work with all versions of Foswiki.",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation, User interactivity",
"release":"25 Apr 2017"
{ "name":"JQTweetContrib",
"description":"Put twitter on your website",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"version":" 14605 (2012-04-13) ",
"release":" 1.0 "
{ "name":"JQTwistyContrib",
"description":"Lightweight twisty plugin",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"22 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"JQueryCompatibilityModePlugin",
"description":"Just the same as JqueryPlugin but using the compatibilty mode to provide use with other frameworks",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "",
"version":" 15 FMar 2009 (V1.5) ",
{ "name":"JQueryLibPlugin",
"description":"Provides you with the jQuery javascript library",
"compatibility": "Tested with 1.0.5 on Windows and Linux.",
"classification": "Development, Interface and Visualisation",
"version":" 3729 (2009-04-28) ",
{ "name":"JQueryMenuSkin",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"version":" 14381 (2012-03-19) ",
"release":" 0.1.2 "
{ "name":"JQueryPlugin",
"description":"jQuery JavaScript library for Foswiki",
"compatibility": "Currently not compatible with Foswiki 1.1. A patch will be released to restore compatibility.",
"classification": "Development, Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"25 Apr 2023"
{ "name":"JSCalendarContrib",
"description":"[[http://dynarch.com/mishoo/calendar.epl][Mishoo JSCalendar]] date and time picker, packaged for use by plugins, skins and add-ons",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"06 Aug 2023"
{ "name":"JSPopupPlugin",
"description":"Creates a dynamic popup windows using Javascript",
"compatibility": "Compatibility issue have been reported with JQuery on Foswiki 1.1.4",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
{ "name":"JSTreeContrib",
"description":"The popular jsTree jQuery plugin, packaged for reuse",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"22 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"JSUnitContrib",
"description":"JSUnit !JavaScript unit testing framework",
"compatibility": "Deprecated: the source code \"upstream\" is no longer maintained.",
"classification": "",
{ "name":"JasmineBddContrib",
"description":"[[http://pivotal.github.com/jasmine/][Jasmine]] is a behavior-driven development framework for testing JavaScript code",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Development",
"version":" 12320 (2011-08-17) ",
"release":" 1.0.0 "
{ "name":"JoomlaUsersContrib",
"description":"replace the Foswiki User and Groups System with Joomla's",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "",
"version":" 11510 (2011-04-20) ",
{ "name":"JsonRpcContrib",
"description":"JSON-RPC interface for Foswiki",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files",
"release":"06 Aug 2023"
{ "name":"JsonSQLPlugin",
"description":"Provides JSON handlers for interacting with SQL databases",
"compatibility": "Foswiki 2.x",
"classification": "Data and Files, Development",
"release":"01 Aug 2017"
{ "name":"KinoSearchContrib",
"description":"Fast indexed SEARCH of topics and attachments (eg Word, Excel, PDF and PPT)",
"compatibility": "Foswiki 1.0.x; 1.1.x (NOTE: Setting the stores search algorithm to Kino in 1.1.x does not currently work. See Foswiki:Tasks.Item10543 for more details)",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search",
"version":" 11720 (2011-05-18) ",
"release":" 1.31 "
{ "name":"KinoSearchPlugin",
"description":"A plugin wrapper around the KinoSearchContrib",
"compatibility": "Foswiki 1.0.x",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search",
"version":" 5140 (2009-09-24) ",
"release":" 1.4 "
{ "name":"LatexModePlugin",
"description":"Enables LaTeX markup (mathematics and more) in Foswiki topics",
"compatibility": "Foswiki 1.0.x",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"version":" 27 Aug 2009 (v 4.0, SVN:17761 (2014-06-10)) ",
{ "name":"LazyLoadPlugin",
"description":"Deferred loading of images",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"26 Oct 2020"
{ "name":"LdapContrib",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Admin, Development",
"release":"05 Mar 2018"
{ "name":"LdapGuiPlugin",
"description":"Interface for building a form based LDAP GUI over Foswiki",
"compatibility": "Tested on:
Foswiki-1.1.8, Plugin API version 2.2
Ubuntu precise 12.04.2 LTS
Mozilla Firefox 19.0.2
"classification": "Admin, Data and Files",
"version":" 0.1 ",
"release":" 0.1 "
{ "name":"LdapNgPlugin",
"description":"Query and display data from an LDAP directory",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Admin, Development",
"release":"10 Oct 2017"
{ "name":"LightboxPlugin",
"description":"Foswiki hooks to the Lightbox Javascript package for better thumbnail image click-through",
"compatibility": "Foswiki 1.0.x ",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"version":" 10078 (2010-11-26) ",
"release":" 26 Nov 2010 "
{ "name":"LikePlugin",
"description":"Like-style voting for content",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation, User interactivity",
"release":"31 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"LimitedSessionsPlugin",
"description":"Limit the number of open sessions per users",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Security",
"release":"26 Oct 2020"
{ "name":"LinkOptionsPlugin",
"description":"Extends the _\"Forced Specific Links\"_ syntax ==[[URL or TopicName][Link Text][Options]]==",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "",
"version":" 4643 ",
{ "name":"LinkedInPlugin",
"description":"Add LinkedIn Widgets to your Foswiki",
"compatibility": "foswiki 1.1",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search, Interface and Visualisation, User interactivity",
"version":" 12488 (2011-09-08) ",
"release":" 1.0.4 "
{ "name":"ListMeUpPlugin",
"description":"Add/remove items from a given list (in META data).",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Development, Information structuring and Search",
"version":" 12246 (2011-07-28) ",
"release":" 1.0.0 "
{ "name":"ListyPlugin",
"description":"Fancy list manager",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"31 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"LocalCityTimePlugin",
"description":"Shows the local time in a city",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "",
{ "name":"LocalTimePlugin",
"description":"Provides the %LOCALTIME% macro to display a formatted date and/or time",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search",
"version":" 7117 (2010-04-07) ",
"release":" 1.1.1 "
{ "name":"LogDispatchContrib",
"description":"Advanced logging using Log::Dispatch",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files",
"release":"20 Aug 2020"
{ "name":"LoginNameAliasesPlugin",
"compatibility": "1.0",
"classification": "Admin, Security",
"version":" 13982 (2012-02-15) ",
{ "name":"LoremIpsumPlugin",
"description":"Lorem ipsum generator",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Development, Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"30 Apr 2024"
{ "name":"MailInContrib",
"description":"Supports submissions to Foswiki via e-mail",
"compatibility": "Should work with all versions of Foswiki. Tested with IMAP and POP3 mail servers, though it can be tricky to configure them sometimes.",
"classification": "Data and Files",
"version":" 3.0 ",
"release":" 7 May 2014 "
{ "name":"MailerContrib",
"description":"Supports email notification of changes",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search",
"release":"15 Mar 2023"
{ "name":"MarkdownPlugin",
"description":"Markdown support for Foswiki",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files",
"release":"30 Apr 2024"
{ "name":"MathModePlugin",
"description":"Include LaTeX formatted math in a topic",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"version":" 4.04 ",
"release":" 4.04 "
{ "name":"MediaElementPlugin",
"description":"Cross-browser embedding of videos and audios",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"25 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"MediaPlugin",
"description":"Embed multimedia objects such as Flash or QuickTime in topics",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"version":" 12678 (2011-10-01) ",
"release":" 1.3.4 "
{ "name":"MediaWikiTablePlugin",
"description":"Format tables the MediaWiki way",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"28 Oct 2020"
{ "name":"MediaWikiToFoswikiContrib",
"description":"MediaWiki 2 Foswiki Conversion Tool",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files",
"version":" 14734 (2012-05-07) ",
"release":" 2.1 "
{ "name":"MeetingBingoPlugin",
"description":"Meeting Bingo Plugin is a business game to enhance attention at meetings",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "User interactivity",
"version":" 6806 (2010-03-20) ",
"release":" 1.4 "
{ "name":"MenuListPlugin",
"description":"Folding menu list",
"compatibility": "1.0",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search, Interface and Visualisation, User interactivity",
"version":" 15636 (2012-10-18) ",
{ "name":"MetaCommentPlugin",
"description":"An easy to use comment system",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation, User interactivity",
"release":"04 May 2022"
{ "name":"MetaDataPlugin",
"description":"Bring custom meta data to wiki apps",
"compatibility": "Foswiki >= 1.1.0",
"classification": "Data and Files, Development",
"release":"30 Jan 2019"
{ "name":"MetaWorkflowPlugin",
"description":"Defines a workflow based on updated meta data (such as form fields, or meta data from another plugin).",
"compatibility": "Foswiki >= 1.0",
"classification": "Workflow automation",
"version":" 3248 (2009-03-23) ",
"release":" 1.0 "
{ "name":"MicroformatsPlugin",
"description":"microformat support for Foswiki",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files, Information structuring and Search, Interface and Visualisation",
"version":" 2548 (20 Feb 2009) ",
{ "name":"MimeIconPlugin",
"description":"Icon sets for mimetypes",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"25 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"MirrorWebPlugin",
"description":"Mirror a web to another, with filtering on the topic text and fields.",
"compatibility": "Foswiki 1.0+",
"classification": "Workflow automation",
"version":" 6207 (2010-02-02) ",
"release":" 1.1.6 "
{ "name":"ModPerlEngineContrib",
"description":"Permits Foswiki to be executed under mod_perl",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Admin",
"release":"06 Aug 2023"
{ "name":"ModifyLoginPlugin",
"description":"The plugin can modify a login by changing case or stripping all after @",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Admin, User interactivity",
{ "name":"MoreFormfieldsContrib",
"compatibility": "Please upgrade to MoreFormfieldsPlugin",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
{ "name":"MoreFormfieldsPlugin",
"description":"Additional formfield types for System.DataForms",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Development, Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"29 Apr 2024"
{ "name":"MoveableTypeSkin",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation, User interactivity",
{ "name":"MsOfficeAttachmentsAsHTMLPlugin",
"description":"Changes attached DOC files into HTML files and then replaces the content of the topic with an include to the HTML source",
"compatibility": "Tested on Foswiki 1.0.0 and TWiki 4.2.3",
"classification": "Data and Files, Exporting, Printing and Publishing, Interface and Visualisation",
"version":" 3575 (2009-04-20) ",
{ "name":"MultiLingualPlugin",
"description":"Support for a multi lingual Foswiki",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Multilingual and Locality",
"release":"30 Apr 2024"
{ "name":"MultiSaveContrib",
"description":"Json-RPC interface to save multiple changes in one transaction",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Development",
"release":"05 May 2022"
{ "name":"MultiSearchPlugin",
"description":"Perform multiple searches with one single efficient macro",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "",
"release":"08 Dec 2015"
{ "name":"MultiTopicSavePlugin",
"description":"Save form data to multiple topics in one single submissionSave form data to multiple topics in one single submission",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "User interactivity",
{ "name":"NTLMEmailAuthContrib",
"description":"Provide NTLM authentication for Net::SMTP e-mail from Foswiki",
"compatibility": "Foswiki 1.1",
"classification": "Admin, Security",
"version":" 1.0 ",
{ "name":"NatEditPlugin",
"description":"A Wikiwyg Editor",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation, User interactivity",
"release":"11 Jul 2023"
{ "name":"NatSkin",
"description":"Userfriendly Foswiki skin providing a flexible theming engine for professional webdesigns",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"14 Feb 2019"
{ "name":"NatSkinPlugin",
"description":"Support plugin for NatSkin",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"12 Feb 2019"
{ "name":"NativeSearchContrib",
"description":"Accelerated search for use with mod_perl",
"compatibility": "Foswiki 1.0",
"classification": "Admin, Information structuring and Search",
"version":" 11235 (2011-03-26) ",
"release":" 1.4.1 "
{ "name":"NewUserPlugin",
"description":"Create a user topic if it does not exist yet",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Admin, Data and Files",
"release":"09 Sep 2016"
{ "name":"NotificationPlugin",
"description":"Send fine grained notifications of changes to topics you are interested in.Send fine grained notifications of topics you are interested in",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Admin, Data and Files, User interactivity",
"version":"2.00 2.00 ",
"release":"27 Apr 2017 27 Apr 2017 "
{ "name":"NuSkin",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation, User interactivity",
"version":" 5429 (2009-11-04) ",
"release":" 1.01 "
{ "name":"NumberPlugin",
"description":"Localized Number Formatter and Currency Converter",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Multilingual and Locality",
"release":"26 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"OEmbedPlugin",
"description":"Easy embedding of third party content",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"30 Apr 2024"
{ "name":"ObjectPlugin",
"description":"Use a topic as an Object store.",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files, Information structuring and Search",
"version":" 8477 (2010-08-12) ",
"release":" 1.0 "
{ "name":"OpenIDLoginContrib",
"description":"Enables Authentication via OpenID ConnectEnables Authentication via OpenID Connect",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Admin, Security",
"release":"11 Dec 2016"
{ "name":"OpenSourceProjectInAWebContrib",
"description":"A complete Foswiki application for an open source project incl structure, bug reporting, feature requests etc. It is also a toolbox of good examples of applications consisting of data forms, templates and formatted searches.",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "",
"version":" 2.0 (12 Apr 2009) ",
{ "name":"OrphansPlugin",
"description":"Locate and manage orphaned topics",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Admin, Information structuring and Search",
"version":" 5442 (2009-11-07) ",
"release":" 07 Nov 2009 "
{ "name":"PageOptimizerPlugin",
"description":"Optimize html markup, as well as js and css",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files",
"release":"25 Sep 2017"
{ "name":"PasswdUserContrib",
"description":"Use getpwnam to get passwords from /etc/passwd",
"compatibility": "Developed for Foswiki 1.0.x - not tested on 1.1, but it's pretty simple.....",
"classification": "Admin, Security",
"version":" 7526 (2010-05-24) ",
"release":" 1.0.0 "
{ "name":"PatchFoswikiContrib",
"description":"Apply critical patches to Foswiki.File patch tool for Foswiki",
"compatibility": "Applies to any Foswiki 1.1.x or 2.0 version. Does not include any patches.",
"classification": "Admin",
"release":"15 Nov 2015"
{ "name":"PatchItem12225Contrib",
"description":"%SHORTDESCRIPTION% ",
"compatibility": "Applies to any Foswiki 1.1.x version before Foswiki 1.1.6. This should be installed prior to installing any extensions released with Foswiki 1.1.6",
"classification": "Admin",
"version":" 1.0 ",
{ "name":"PatchItem12285Contrib",
"description":"Patch a critical vulnerability in Locale::Maketext ",
"compatibility": "Foswiki 1.1.0 - Foswiki 1.1.6",
"classification": "Admin, Security",
"version":" 1.5 ",
{ "name":"PatchItem12391Contrib",
"description":"Patch a critical vulnerability in Locale::Maketext ",
"compatibility": "All Foswiki 1.1.x releases",
"classification": "Admin, Security",
"version":" 1.0 ",
{ "name":"PatternSkin",
"description":"Pattern skin provides a CSS based default look and feel - flexible and [[http://www.w3.org/][W3C]] compliant. Its layout and color scheme are designed to provide a nice, clean and productive editing environment",
"compatibility": "Foswiki 2.0. Do not install on Foswiki version 1.x.",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"23 Feb 2018"
{ "name":"PdfPlugin",
"description":"Generate high quality PDF files from topics",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "",
"version":" 14875 (2012-05-21) ",
"release":" 1.1.0 "
{ "name":"PerforcePlugin",
"description":"Provide access to informations from a Perforce SCM server. ",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Development, Interface and Visualisation",
"version":" 16 Apr 2008 (V0.8) ",
{ "name":"PerlPlugin",
"description":"Embed perl scripts in Foswiki topics",
"compatibility": "Foswiki 1.0+",
"classification": "Development, Information structuring and Search, Interface and Visualisation, User interactivity, Workflow automation",
"version":" 9962 (2010-11-11) ",
"release":" 1.1.3 "
{ "name":"PermLinkPlugin",
"description":"Manages permanent links to topics.",
"compatibility": "Should run on any OS.",
"classification": "Data and Files, Exporting, Printing and Publishing, Information structuring and Search",
"version":" 6186 (2010-01-29) ",
"release":" 1.0.0 "
{ "name":"PersonalInfoAddOn",
"description":"User personalisation and user search tool",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search",
"version":" 8554 (2010-08-18) ",
"release":" 1.6.1 "
{ "name":"PhotoGalleryPlugin",
"description":"A gallery plugin for JPEG photos from digital cameras (and PNG, GIF and SVG graphics)A gallery plugin for JPEG photos from digital cameras (and PNG, GIF and SVG graphics)",
"compatibility": "Foswiki 2.1.3 or later, modern HTML5 browsers, Linux server, some exotic Perl modules",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"9 Jan 2021"
{ "name":"PhpBB3UsersContrib",
"description":"replace the Foswiki User and Groups System with phpBB3's",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "",
"version":" $Rev$ ",
{ "name":"PhyloWidgetPlugin",
"description":"A Foswiki integration of the PhyloWidget phylogeny browser",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files, Interface and Visualisation, User interactivity",
"version":" 12045 (2011-06-24) ",
"release":" 0.1.2 "
{ "name":"PiwikPlugin",
"description":"Server-side page tracking using Piwik",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files",
"release":"28 May 2018"
{ "name":"PixabayPlugin",
"description":"Pixabay stock images and videos",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"21 Oct 2020"
{ "name":"PlainFileStoreContrib",
"description":"Store Foswiki data using plain text files",
"compatibility": "2.0.0",
"classification": "Data and Files",
"release":"06 Aug 2023"
{ "name":"PlantUMLPlugin",
"description":"Draw graphs using !PlantUML",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
{ "name":"PreferencesPlugin",
"description":"Allows editing of preferences using fields predefined in a form",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "User interactivity",
"release":"06 Aug 2023"
{ "name":"PrefsCachePlugin",
"description":"Cache preferences for faster access",
"compatibility": "Foswiki 1.1.9 and later",
"classification": "Admin",
"version":" 1.0 ",
"release":" 8 May 2014 "
{ "name":"PubLinkFixupPlugin",
"description":"For non-utf-8 sites, fix up Pub links to use correct encoding.",
"compatibility": "Foswiki 2.0",
"classification": "Data and Files",
"release":"14 Sep 2015"
{ "name":"PublishPlugin",
"description":"Generate static output (HTML, PDF) optionally upload (FTP) the output to a publishing site.Generate static output (HTML, PDF) for a web and optionally upload (FTP) the output to a publishing site.",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Exporting, Printing and Publishing",
"release":"28 July 2022"
{ "name":"QRCodePlugin",
"description":"QR code generator",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"25 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"QuickMenuSkin",
"description":"A functional skin that replaces the left bar with a customizable Javascript menu system.",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "",
"version":" 2 Jul 2009 ",
{ "name":"RCSStoreContrib",
"description":"A wiki topic and attachment store using the RCS revision control system",
"compatibility": "2.0.0",
"classification": "",
"release":"31 Mar 2022"
{ "name":"RackPlannerPlugin",
"description":"Render a rack overview (e.g. of 19'' computer racks) with HTML tables.",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search",
"version":" 11629 (2011-05-04) ",
"release":" 1.1 "
{ "name":"RandomTopicPlugin",
"description":"Pick a selection of Random Topics",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search",
"version":" 12359 (2011-08-22) ",
{ "name":"RatingContrib",
"description":"Rating widget for forms",
"compatibility": "Tested with VotePlugin on 1.0.5., WARNING: RatingContrib is incompatible with latest JQueryPlugin which comes with a rating formfield of its own.",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"version":" 4083 (2009-06-10) ",
{ "name":"RcsFastStoreContrib",
"description":"A simpler faster RCS store",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files",
"release":"14 Oct 2024"
{ "name":"RedDotPlugin",
"description":"Quick-edit links",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"26 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"RedirectPlugin",
"description":"Create a redirect to another topic or website",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search",
{ "name":"RegexCacheSearchPlugin",
"description":"Support Regex Cache Search Algorithms: e.g. !PurePerlCached",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "",
{ "name":"RemoveTrashPlugin",
"description":"A simple plugin for 'emptying' the Trash web.",
"compatibility": "Tested on Foswiki 1.1.4 / Apache / Linux, Chromium.",
"classification": "Admin, Data and Files",
"version":" 0.1.0 ",
{ "name":"RenderFormPlugin",
"description":"Create new topics with simple forms like System.DataForms.",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files",
"version":"V1.007 (18 Aug 2010) 5.008 ",
"release":"18 Aug 2010"
{ "name":"RenderListPlugin",
"description":"Render bullet lists in a variety of formats",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "",
"release":"06 Aug 2023"
{ "name":"RenderPlugin",
"description":"Render WikiApplications asynchronously",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Development",
"release":"26 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"RenderTableDataPlugin",
"description":"Extract and render table data in an alternate format",
"compatibility": "Tested on Windows and Linux. Any Foswiki version.",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"version":" 6481 (2010-02-23) ",
"release":" 2.0 "
{ "name":"RevCommentPlugin",
"description":"Allows a short summary of changes to be entered for a new revision",
"compatibility": "2.0.0, 1.1.9",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search",
"release":"20 Oct 2020"
{ "name":"RevisionLinkPlugin",
"description":"This plugin enables linking to specific topic revisions.",
"compatibility": "Foswiki 1.0.0+",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search",
"version":" 2.2 (27 Jan 2009) ",
{ "name":"RtfContrib",
"description":"Extension to translate Foswiki markup to RTF",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files, Exporting, Printing and Publishing",
"release":"16 Jan 2017"
{ "name":"SafeWikiPlugin",
"description":"Secure your Foswiki so it can't be used for mounting phishing attacksSecure your Foswiki so it can't be attacked using cross-scripting (XSS)",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Admin, Security",
{ "name":"SamlLoginContrib",
"description":"Enables Authentication via SAML AuthenticationEnables Authentication via SAML2",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Admin, Security",
"release":"26 Feb 2024"
{ "name":"SearchEngineKinoSearchAddOn",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search",
{ "name":"SectionListPlugin",
"description":"Access the list of named sections in a topic",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files",
"release":"26 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"SecureDownloadPlugin",
"description":"Secure, temporary download links",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files, Security",
"release":"11 Jun 2018"
{ "name":"SecurityHeadersPlugin",
"description":"Add HTTP security headers to protect against XSS attacks",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Security",
"release":"26 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"SendEmailPlugin",
"description":"Send e-mails through an e-mail form",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files",
"release":"20 May 2022"
{ "name":"SetFormValuesPlugin",
"description":"Set values in topic form fields based on changes of other form fields",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "",
{ "name":"SetSkinByCookiePlugin",
"description":"Lets you set the current skin by using a cookie",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "",
"version":" 21 Jan 2009 (V0.2) ",
{ "name":"SetTopicValuesPlugin",
"description":"Set addressible sub-elements of topics",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "",
"version":" 2713 (26 Feb 2009) ",
{ "name":"SetVariablePlugin",
"description":"Flexible handling of topic variables",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Development",
"release":"22 Oct 2020"
{ "name":"ShibLdapContrib",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Admin, Security",
"version":" 16201 (2012-12-13) ",
"release":" 1.00 "
{ "name":"SignaturePlugin",
"description":"Supports electronic signatures",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Workflow automation",
"version":" 11 Jun 2009 ",
{ "name":"SimpleFTPPlugin",
"description":"Simple plugin to allow FTP upload of the contents of a particular Foswiki topic page.",
"compatibility": "Tested with Foswiki 1.1.6.",
"classification": "Exporting, Printing and Publishing",
"version":" v0.1.0 ",
"release":" 0.1.0 "
{ "name":"SkillsPlugin",
"description":"Allows users to list their skills, which can then be searched",
"compatibility": "Foswiki >1.0
TWiki >4.2",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search",
"version":" 5190 (2009-09-30) ",
"release":" 30 Sep 2009 "
{ "name":"SlideShowPlugin",
"description":"Create web based presentations based on topics with headings",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"09 Mar 2021"
{ "name":"SmartEditContrib",
"description":"Toolbar to help edit Foswiki content",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "",
"version":" 15 Apr 2009 (v3) ",
{ "name":"SmartWordBreakPlugin",
"description":"Inserts word-breaks and soft hyphens into long words",
"compatibility": "Browsers: IE6, IE7, IE8, FF3, Opera 10
Foswiki: Should work will all versions from 1.0.4 onwards. Tested with 1.0.7 and trunk (1.1)",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"version":" 5454 (2009-11-07) ",
"release":" 07 Nov 2009 "
{ "name":"SmiliesPlugin",
"description":"Render smilies like :-) as icons",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"17 Sep 2015"
{ "name":"SmsTwoStepAuthContrib",
"description":"Provide 2-factor login authentication using SMS messages.",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Security",
"release":"06 Sep 2017"
{ "name":"SnazzyRoundedCornersContrib",
"description":"Add snazzy curved bordered boxes (with INCLUDED content) to Foswiki topics",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"version":" 2552 (20 Feb 2009) ",
{ "name":"SoapClientPlugin",
"description":"Provides a Foswiki Topic interface to SOAP::Lite calls",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Development, Information structuring and Search",
"version":" Feb 2009 (V1.200) ",
{ "name":"SoapPlugin",
"description":"SOAP for Foswiki",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Development",
"version":" 3.22 ",
"release":" 3.22 "
{ "name":"SocialBookmarkingAddOn",
"description":"Add social bookmarking links to a topic",
"compatibility": "Foswiki >= 1.0",
"classification": "User interactivity",
"version":" 3428 (2009-04-13) ",
"release":" 1.0 "
{ "name":"SocialSharePlugin",
"description":"Social Share Buttons",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "User interactivity",
"release":"30 Apr 2024"
{ "name":"SoftSkin",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
{ "name":"SolrPlugin",
"description":"Enterprise Search Engine for Foswiki based on Solr",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search, Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"31 Jan 2019"
{ "name":"SpacedWikiWordPlugin",
"description":"Space out Wiki Word links automatically",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "",
"release":"12 July 2017"
{ "name":"SpreadsheetReaderPlugin",
"description":"Read data from a spreadsheet",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files",
"release":"31 May 2018"
{ "name":"SqlPlugin",
"description":"SQL interface for Foswiki",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files",
"release":"06 May 2022"
{ "name":"StringifierContrib",
"description":"Helper library to stringify binary document formats",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Development",
"release":"21 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"SubscribePlugin",
"description":"This is a companion plugin to the MailerContrib. It allows you to trivially add a \"Subscribe me\" link to topics to get subscribed to changes.",
"compatibility": "2.0",
"classification": "Data and Files, Information structuring and Search, Interface and Visualisation, User interactivity",
"release":"06 Aug 2023"
{ "name":"SyntaxHighlightingPlugin",
"description":"Highlights code fragments for many languages using ==enscript==.",
"compatibility": "Foswiki >=1.0",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"26 Apr 2022"
{ "name":"TWikiCompatibilityPlugin",
"description":"Add TWiki personality to Foswiki",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Development",
"release":"06 Aug 2023"
{ "name":"TableOfContentsPlugin",
"description":"Yet another TOC plugin",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search",
"release":"30 Apr 2024"
{ "name":"TablePlugin",
"description":"Control attributes of tables and sorting of table columns",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search, Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"22 Jan 2018"
{ "name":"TableTmplPlugin",
"description":"TablePlugin clone using skin templates",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"version":" 3711 (2009-04-26) ",
{ "name":"TablesContrib",
"description":"Tables module for use with Foswiki versions that don't have built-in table parsing and modelling",
"compatibility": "1.1.9",
"classification": "Data and Files",
"release":"01 Oct 2015"
{ "name":"TagCloudPlugin",
"description":"Renders a tag cloud given a list of terms",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search, Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"28 Oct 2020"
{ "name":"TagMePlugin",
"description":"Tag wiki content collectively to find content by keywordsTag wiki content collectively to find content by keywords",
"compatibility": "Tested on Foswiki 1.0.5. The original author is highly unlikely to want to support this plugin.",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search, Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"10 Jan 2017"
{ "name":"TagsPlugin",
"description":"Full strength Tagging system",
"compatibility": "foswiki",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search, Interface and Visualisation, User interactivity",
"version":" $Rev$ ",
{ "name":"TalkContrib",
"description":"Add Talk pages to Foswiki topics",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search, Interface and Visualisation, User interactivity",
"version":" 2442 (10 Feb 2009) ",
{ "name":"TaskManagementContrib",
"description":"A simple Task Management System Wiki App.",
"compatibility": "Tested on Foswiki 1.1.4.",
"classification": "Workflow automation",
"version":" 15598 (2012-10-15) ",
"release":" 0.1.1 "
{ "name":"ThumbnailPlugin",
"description":"Maintains thumbnails of attachments",
"compatibility": "Foswiki-1.0.0 (TWiki version available at twiki.org)",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"version":" 29 Jan 2009 (V1.1.1) ",
{ "name":"TimeCalcPlugin",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search, Interface and Visualisation",
{ "name":"TimeSincePlugin",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"16 Aug 2018"
{ "name":"TimeTablePlugin",
"description":"Render a weekly timetable",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search",
"version":" V1.017 (23 Oct 2009) ",
{ "name":"TimelinePlugin",
"description":"Show a scrolling Timeline from a Foswiki SEARCH",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files, Information structuring and Search, Interface and Visualisation, User interactivity",
"version":" 4631 - 2009-08-10T02:40:58Z ",
{ "name":"TinyMCEPlugin",
"description":"Integration of the Tiny MCE WYSIWYG Editor",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation, User interactivity",
"release":"11 Feb 2019"
{ "name":"TipsContrib",
"description":"Displays rotating list of \"Tip-of-the-day\"",
"compatibility": "Foswiki 2.0.2. Do not install this update on Foswiki 1.x, 2.0.0, or 2.0.1.",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search",
"release":"06 Aug 2023"
{ "name":"TocPlugin",
"description":"Sophisticated table of contents generation",
"compatibility": "Should work with any Foswiki",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search, Interface and Visualisation",
"version":" 11472 (2011-04-15) ",
"release":" 2.1.1 "
{ "name":"ToolTipPlugin",
"description":"create Tool Tips for links",
"compatibility": "Tested with Firefox 3 and IE 6. IE 6 has issues drawing the balloon tips.",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"version":" 1357 (14 Dec 2008) ",
{ "name":"TopSecretPlugin",
"description":"Hides away some topic content with pseudo-encryption.",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"version":" 4176 (2009-06-17) ",
{ "name":"TopicClassificationAddOn",
"description":"Provides framework for organizing content within a web according to different _types_ of topics (discussion, weblog, reference, etc) and hierarchical \"categories\". Includes sample topic types and categories. Provides basic framework to design and manage simple Foswiki Applications.",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search",
"version":" 10613 (2011-01-26) ",
{ "name":"TopicCountPlugin",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search",
"version":" 7043 (2010-04-01) ",
"release":" 1.0 "
{ "name":"TopicCreatePlugin",
"description":"Automatically create a set of topics and attachments at topic save time",
"compatibility": "2.0.0, 1.1.9, 1.1.8, 1.1.7, 1.1.6, 1.1.5, 1.1.4, 1.1.3, 1.1.2, 1.1.1, 1.1.0, 1.0.10, 1.0.9, 1.0.8, 1.0.7, 1.0.6, 1.0.5, 1.0.4, 1.0.2, 1.0.1, 1.0.0",
"classification": "Data and Files",
"release":"22 Jul 2015"
{ "name":"TopicDataHelperPlugin",
"description":"helper plugin for collecting, filtering and sorting data objects",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Development",
"version":" 13567 (2012-01-09) ",
"release":" 1.1.4 "
{ "name":"TopicInteractionPlugin",
"description":"Improved interaction with attachments and DataForms",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files, Interface and Visualisation, User interactivity",
"release":"30 Apr 2024"
{ "name":"TopicListPlugin",
"description":"Gives you the possibility to generate a list of topics by macro or rest handler. Should be also optimized for a great number of topics",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search",
"version":" 9954 (2010-11-11) ",
"release":" 0.4.1 "
{ "name":"TopicLockPlugin",
"description":"Adds 1-click function to lock down topics.",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Admin, Security",
"version":" 6675 (2010-03-07) ",
"release":" 1.1.1 "
{ "name":"TopicNameValidationPlugin",
"description":"Control naming of topics",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files, Security",
"release":"6 May 2013"
{ "name":"TopicSpecificNavigationPlugin",
"description":"This plugins introduces a new navigation type for each topic: It should be used to place things like related links, further readups etc. ",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "User interactivity",
"version":" 05 Feb 2009 (V0.6) ",
{ "name":"TopicTitlePlugin",
"description":"Free-form title for topics",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files",
"release":"21 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"TopicTranslationsPlugin",
"description":"Manages a topic's translations into several languages. ",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search, Multilingual and Locality, User interactivity",
"version":" 2.00 ",
"release":" 2.00 "
{ "name":"TopicUserMappingContrib",
"description":"User management using data stored in topics",
"compatibility": "Foswiki 2.0. Do not install on Foswiki version 1.x.",
"classification": "Admin",
"release":"25 Feb 2018"
{ "name":"TrashPlugin",
"description":"Maintain the Trash web",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files",
"release":"30 Apr 2024"
{ "name":"TreeBrowserPlugin",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation, User interactivity",
{ "name":"TreePlugin",
"description":"Renders topics' parent-child relationships as hierarchical tree view. Useful for dynamic site maps and threads.",
"compatibility": "2.0.0, 1.1.9",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
{ "name":"TweetOnSavePlugin",
"compatibility": "Foswiki 1.0.x",
"classification": "User interactivity",
{ "name":"TwistyPlugin",
"description":"Twisty section Javascript library to open/close content dynamically",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"29 Jun 2023"
{ "name":"TwitterPlugin",
"description":"Access Twitter via Foswiki",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"05 May 2022"
{ "name":"TypographyPlugin",
"description":"_Improves the typography of TML tex._",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "User interactivity",
"version":" 31 Jan 2009 (V1.001) ",
{ "name":"UnitTestContrib",
"description":"Foswiki Unit-Test Framework",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "",
{ "name":"UnixUsersContrib",
"description":"replace the Foswiki User and Groups System with Unix's",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "",
"version":" 20130408 (2013-04-08) ",
{ "name":"UpdateAttachmentsPlugin",
"description":"A batched alternative to Auto Attachments (adds and removes attachements).A batched alternative to !AutoAttachments (adds and removes attachments)",
"compatibility": "All releases of Foswiki.",
"classification": "Data and Files, User interactivity",
{ "name":"UpdateInfoPlugin",
"description":"Add a %ISNEW% tag after a System.WikiWord to get a visual display of whether the linked topic was created or updated recently",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"version":" 14950 (2012-06-05) ",
"release":" 3.1 "
{ "name":"UpdatesPlugin",
"description":"Checks Foswiki.org for updates",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Admin",
"release":"12 Nov 2019"
{ "name":"UploadPlugin",
"description":"Attach multiple files to a topic in one go",
"compatibility": "%3cimg%20src%3d%22/pub/System/DocumentGraphics/warning.png",
"classification": "User interactivity",
"version":" 4414 (2009-07-03) ",
"release":" 1.11 "
{ "name":"UrlEventHandlerPlugin",
"description":"Lets you react on url parameters and e.g. show a message for the user or redirect him somewhere, show a dialog etc.",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Libraries, Javascript Utilities",
"version":" 26 Jan 2009 (V0.1) ",
{ "name":"UserInfoPlugin",
"description":"Render information about the users on your wiki",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search",
"version":" 14554 (2012-04-05) ",
"release":" 2.00 "
{ "name":"ValidateUrlsPlugin",
"description":"Validates external Urls in Wiki topics",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files",
"version":" 1049 ",
{ "name":"VarCachePlugin",
"compatibility": "Foswiki 1.0.0",
"classification": "Data and Files",
"version":" 14435 (2012-03-23) ",
"release":" 1.2 "
{ "name":"VirtualHostingContrib",
"description":"Adds virtual hosting support for Foswiki.",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Admin, Security",
"release":"05 May 2022"
{ "name":"VotePlugin",
"description":"Simple way to count votes",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "User interactivity",
"release":"11 May 2017"
{ "name":"WaveDromPlugin",
"description":"Display WaveDrom graphs inline",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "",
{ "name":"WebAutoIncPlugin",
"description":"Alternative to bin/manage?action=createweb. Adds AUTOINC feature.",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Admin",
"version":" 2008-12-27 ",
{ "name":"WebCreatorPlugin",
"description":"Flexible way to create new webs",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files, Interface and Visualisation",
"release":"30 Apr 2024"
{ "name":"WebDAVContrib",
"description":"WebDAV module for Foswiki",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files, User interactivity",
"release":"06 May 2022"
{ "name":"WebDAVLinkPlugin",
"description":"Automatically open links to !WebDAV resources in local applications",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "",
"release":"11 Nov 2016"
{ "name":"WebFontsContrib",
"description":"Web fonts for Foswiki",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files",
"release":"01 May 2024"
{ "name":"WebLinkPlugin",
"description":"A parametrized %WEB macro",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search",
"release":"26 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"WebPermissionsPlugin",
"description":"View and edit web permissions",
"compatibility": "Foswiki 1.0. The \"More Actions\" menu does not work on Foswiki 1.1",
"classification": "Admin, Interface and Visualisation",
"version":" 7708 (2010-06-09) ",
"release":" 9 Jun 2010 "
{ "name":"WidgetsSkin",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation",
"version":" 11457 (2011-04-14) ",
{ "name":"WikiAppInstallerPlugin",
"description":"Enable users to share/test drive Foswiki Wiki Apps",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Information structuring and Search",
"version":" 13199 (2011-11-23) ",
"release":" 1.0.0 "
{ "name":"WikiDrawPlugin",
"description":"create or annotate images and save as svg and png",
"compatibility": "foswiki",
"classification": "Interface and Visualisation, User interactivity",
"version":" 9700 (2010-10-24) ",
"release":" 1.0.0 "
{ "name":"WikiWorkbenchContrib",
"description":"Framework for WikiApplications",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Development",
"release":"2 May 2019"
{ "name":"WordPressPlugin",
"description":"post a topic to your WordPress blog",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "",
"version":" 3758 (2009-04-29) ",
{ "name":"WorkflowPlugin",
"description":"Associate a \"state\" with a topic and then control the work flow that the topic progresses through as content is added.",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Workflow automation",
"release":"1 Aug 2017"
{ "name":"WysiwygPlugin",
"description":"Translator framework for WYSIWYG editors",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files, Development",
"release":"13 Jun 2018"
{ "name":"X509UserPlugin",
"description":"Authenticate & identify users using X.509 certificates",
"compatibility": "This extension *does not work on Foswiki 1.1.x* See [[Tasks.X509UserPlugin]]. In addition, the \"Group management\" API additions to the TopicUserMapper are not implemented.",
"classification": "Admin",
"version":" 23 Dec 2008 (V1.0-4) ",
{ "name":"XMLStoreContrib",
"description":"XMLStoreContrib is a package for storing plugin data in XML files on Foswiki servers",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files, Development",
{ "name":"XSendFileContrib",
"description":"A viewfile replacement to send static files efficiently",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files, Security",
"release":"26 Jan 2024"
{ "name":"XmlRpcContrib",
"description":"xml-rpc interface for foswiki",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Data and Files",
"version":" 1.00 ",
"release":" 1.00 "
{ "name":"XslFoContrib",
"description":"FOP print formatter",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Exporting, Printing and Publishing",
"release":"30 Nov 2016"
{ "name":"YouShallHaveNoOtherLoginsBeforeMePlugin",
"description":"Invalidates existing sessions of the same authenticated user.",
"compatibility": "",
"classification": "Admin, Security",
"version":" 5374 (2009-10-25) ",
"release":" 1.0.0 "
{ "name":"ZonePlugin",
"description":"Gather content of a page in named zones while rendering itGather content of a page in named zones while rendering it",
"compatibility": "Foswiki 1.0 only. Functions provided by Foswiki core in 1.1",
"classification": "Data and Files, Development",
"release":"06 Aug 2023"