warning This is an experimental version of PatchRelease01x01Contrib.

support To configure your Foswiki to install from this repository, modify the {ExtensionsRepositories} setting in your lib/LocalSite.cfg like this:
$Foswiki::cfg{ExtensionsRepositories} = 'Foswiki.org=(http://foswiki.org/Extensions/,http://foswiki.org/pub/Extensions/);Local=(http://365847.689093.cn/Extensions/Testing/,http://365847.689093.cn/pub/Extensions/Testing/)';

Read more about configuring Extension repositories


Patched by this package:

This extension installs fixes for the following critical issues:

Item10963: Perl 5.14 deprecated use of qw() without enclosing parenthesis (qw())

  • Type of fix: Perl Compatibility
  • Affects version Foswiki-1.1.0 thru Foswiki-1-1-3
  • Patches:

Item11955: RCS x.x.x version strings cause configure errors.

  • Type of fix: System Compatibility
  • Applies to Foswiki-1.1.0 thru Foswiki-1.1.5
  • Patches: lib/Foswiki/Configure/Checker.pm

Item12225: Extension using new Version strings break configure.

  • Type of fix: Foswiki Backwards Compatibility
  • Applies to Foswiki-1.1.0 thru Foswiki 1.1.5.
  • Patches:
  • Type of fix: Security
  • Applies to Foswiki-1.1.0 thru Foswiki 1.1.6.
  • Patches: lib/Foswiki/Macros/MAKETEXT.pm

Item12391: More Maketext validations

  • Type of fix: Security
  • Applies to Foswiki 1.1.0 thru 1.1.7.
  • Patches: lib/Foswiki/Macros/MAKETEXT.pm

Item12414: Newer versions of File::Temp cause die in Foswiki::Sandbox::sysCommand()

  • Type of fix: Perl Compatibility
  • Applies to Foswiki-1.1.6, Foswiki-1.1.7 and Foswiki-1.1.8
  • Patches: lib/Foswiki/Sandbox.pm

Item12616: Warnings and Errors due to newer versions of perl.

  • Type of fix: Perl Compatibility
  • Applies to Foswiki-1.1.7 and Foswiki-1.1.8
  • Patches:

Item12849: Add ACL * wildcard for backwards compatibilty with Foswiki 2.0.

  • Type of fix: Foswiki Backwards Compatibility
  • Applies to all Foswiki 1.1 versions.
  • Patches: lib/Foswiki/Users.pm

Item13775: Warnings due to CGI::param called in list context, and deprecation of -any pragma.

  • Type of fix: Perl Compatibility
  • Applies to all Foswiki 1.1 versions
  • Patches:

Item13777: Backport changes in URLPARAM and SEARCH for extension compatibility.

  • Type of fix: Foswiki Backwards Compatibility


This extension allows you to "hotfix" urgent issues on your Foswiki system. It has been tested on Foswiki 1.1.0 and beyond. It does not work on Foswiki 1.0.x.

When this extension is installed, it adds some required libraries to your Foswiki system, and includes a plugin to display an inventory of patches on the system. This extension does not ship with any patches. this extension will be identified as a dependency of the actual patch, so that necessary infrastructure is installed.

Patches are only applied if the target file is an exact match to the original file. There is no attempt to do "fuzzy" patching.

There is no "dependency" between patches. Patches are installed in order of their patch file name.

Patches will be mapped from the default Foswiki filename to the directory location used on the target system.

Before any file is patched, a backup is copied to working/configure/backup/<Itemxxxx-nnn-YYYMMDD-HHMMSS>. If archive tools are found on the system, a zip or tar archive is created of the backup.

Warning: Can't find topic Extensions/Testing.PatchFoswikiContribPlugin


Patches are applied during the POSTINSTALL exit, and removed in the PREUNINSTALL exit. You must install this extension using the "Extension Installer" to get automatic patching. If this extension is installed by direct unzip / tar -x, or using pseudo_install.pl, patches will not be applied and will have to be manually patched using the patch tool.

Manual installation

unzip or tar -x the extension archive. It can be extracted into the root of the foswiki installation if the directory paths use the default location. The structure of a typical patch:
|-- data
|   |-- System
|       |-- PatchRelease01x01Contrib.txt
|-- lib
|   |-- Foswiki
|       |-- Contrib
|           |-- PatchItem13775Contrib.pm
|           |-- PatchRelease01x01Contrib
|               |-- DEPENDENCIES
|-- working
    |-- configure
        |-- patch
            |-- Item11267-110.patch    (A unique version of each patch for each applicable Foswiki version.)
            |-- Item11267-111.patch
            |-- Item11267-....patch
            |-- Item12616-118.patch
            |-- Item13775-118.patch
            |-- Item13775-119.patch
            |-- Item13777-118.patch
            |-- Item13777-119.patch

The files in the working/configure/patch directory are the actual patches. If a collection of related files is patched in a single file, they can be manually applied by changing to the root of the install and running:
patch -p0 < working/configure/patch/Item54321-001.patch

By a "collection of related files", Item12345-001.patch might contain patches for lib/Foswiki.pm and lib/Foswiki/Render.pm. These could be appplied directly. But if Item12345-002.patch contained different versions of patches for the same file, ex. lib/Foswiki.pm for 1.1.9, and lib/Foswiki.pm for 1.1.8, then the file would have to be split apart in order to apply it manually.


Change History:  
1.0 (02 Oct 2015) Initial version

PackageForm edit

Author GeorgeClark
Version 1.0
Release 02 Oct 2015
Copyright 2012-2015 Foswiki Contributors
License GPL (GNU General Public License)
Home http://foswiki.org/Extensions/PatchRelease01x01Contrib
Support http://foswiki.org/Support/PatchRelease01x01Contrib
Repository https://github.com/foswiki/PatchRelease01x01Contrib
ExtensionClassification Admin
ExtensionType ContribPackage
Compatibility Foswiki 1.1.0-1.1.9. Does not apply to any Foswiki 1.0 release
IncompatibleWith 2.0.3, 2.0.2, 2.0.1, 2.0.0, 1.0.10, 1.0.9, 1.0.8, 1.0.7, 1.0.6, 1.0.5, 1.0.4, 1.0.3, 1.0.2, 1.0.1, 1.0.0
DemoUrl http://
SupportUrl PatchRelease01x01Contrib
ModificationPolicy CoordinateWithAuthor
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
PatchRelease01x01Contrib.md5md5 PatchRelease01x01Contrib.md5 manage 195 bytes 17 Nov 2015 - 03:48 GeorgeClark  
PatchRelease01x01Contrib.sha1sha1 PatchRelease01x01Contrib.sha1 manage 219 bytes 17 Nov 2015 - 03:48 GeorgeClark  
PatchRelease01x01Contrib.tgztgz PatchRelease01x01Contrib.tgz manage 45 K 17 Nov 2015 - 03:48 GeorgeClark  
PatchRelease01x01Contrib.zipzip PatchRelease01x01Contrib.zip manage 86 K 17 Nov 2015 - 03:48 GeorgeClark  
PatchRelease01x01Contrib_installerEXT PatchRelease01x01Contrib_installer manage 10 K 17 Nov 2015 - 03:48 GeorgeClark  
Topic revision: r1 - 17 Nov 2015, GeorgeClark
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