• embed a PDF document into the webpage
  • Syntax: %FLEXPAPER{"attachment" ..."}%
  • Supported Parameters:
    Parameter: Description: Default:
    "attachment" file to preview required parameter
    topic="..." topic where the attachment is attached to BASETOPIC
    width="..." width of the document viewer (e.g. 800 or "100%" 800
    height="..." height of the document viewer 600
    scale="..." initial zoom factor that should be used. Should be a number above 0 (1=100%) 1.0
    layout="fitwidth/fitpage/scale" initial layout of the viewer after the document has been loaded fitwidth
    printtools="on/off" switch on/off print tools in the toolbar on
    viewmodetools="on/off" switch on/off viewmode tools in the toolbar on
    zoomtools="on/off" switch on/off zoom tools in the toolbar on
    navtools="on/off" switch on/off navigation tools in the toolbar on
    cursortools="on/off" switch on/off cursor tools in the toolbar on
    searchtools="on/off" switch on/off search tools in the toolbar on
    fullscreentools="on/off" switch on/off fullscreen tools in the toolbar on
    toolbar="on/off" switch on/off all of the above tools on
Topic revision: r4 - 29 Apr 2022, MichaelDaum
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