Bob Tatar

Organisation XOS
Country USA
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Just wanted to see what text looks like when editing. Is it possible to attach a picture?

  • Hungry Baby - can this be searched?:
    hungry baby.JPG
Is it possible to add other text, like HDEquity?

  • How about another comment? -- BobTatar - 20 Apr 2010
  • I'd like to add this comment. OK? -- BobTatar - 20 Apr 2010
Third comment in a row.

-- BobTatar - 20 Apr 2010

Maybe a fourth?


-- BobTatar - 20 Apr 2010

Have a good day

-- GottfriedTheimer - 20 Apr 2010

I looked at a handful of wiki's and decided to use foswiki for our company, internal wiki.

Starting with, I was able to narrow the search to 5. My criteria were: installable software with WYSIWYG editing and a page history and commercial support which stores its data in a revision control system and is Free and Open Source.

Wikimatrix told me that the following 5 Wikis matched my criteria: * Foswiki * JSPWiki * KeheiWiki * PhpWiki * TWiki

I then visited the web pages of each site and decided that TWiki and Foswiki were the best fit. After reading all the drama about TWiki/Foswiki I was annoyed enough that I almost decided to eliminate both from consideration.

The features were compelling, so I finally decided to go for foswiki.
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
hungry_baby.JPGJPG hungry_baby.JPG manage 20 K 20 Apr 2010 - 20:12 BobTatar Hungry Baby - can this be searched?
Topic revision: r4 - 20 Apr 2010, BobTatar
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