My Links
Proposals that I am concerned with
Active Task Teams that I'm involved with
- SecurityTaskTeam - Security Task Team handles security per the community agreed process
Topics I'm Interested In
Personal Roadmap
Foswiki Standalone
- Complete unit tests to FSA code
- Update documentation (Tasks.Item4662#Documentation_updates)
- Release ModPerlEngineContrib, FastCGIEngineContrib and HTTPEngineContrib
- I'll rewrite HTTP engine from scratch, based on CPAN:Net::Server, that is more powerful and flexible than CPAN:HTTP::Daemon
- Add support to run
and legacy CGI scripts from HTTP engine
- Work on architectural refactoring
- FSAPluginHooks
- Perform some tasks only once when persistent engines are in use
- Make VirtualHosting possible in persistent environments
- Make it possible to use shared memory
- Reduce coupling level
- Independent permission access (make it possible to use FastCGI Authorizer Role and PerlAuthzHandler mod_perl handler).
- Fast permission check when accessing attachments
- Plugins test on persistent environments (guided by some relevancy/popularity order)
Benchmark Framework
- Documentation
- Infra-structure
- Measures: elapsed time, used RAM, accouting (blocked and running time)
- Test packages
- Scalability-oriented
- Few variables measured at a time (many packages)
- Integrated tests
- Use case oriented
- Variables: OS, concurrency level, runtime engine, web server, hardware characteristics
- Charts and Reports
- Optimized preferences storage
- Optimized forms storage (one table for each form )
- Deal with form updates
- Syntax to define/indicate indexes
- Snapshots (view consistently how the wiki (and not only a topic) was at some point in the past)
- Deal with permissions ( Maybe a new permission related to view history [and why not another related to diffs ])
- Export/Import/Exchange data among wikis (like a distributed wiki. One can fetch data to a personal wiki, work on it and commit changes back)
Indexed Searches
query search
→ SQL queries
- plain text → Xapian (not in core. Core should not have such a dependency)
→ brute force
TML Parser
- LALR-like
- Pre-compiled topics
- Create new plugin hooks. Deprecate others (like
- Extend
to take tag properties (static, random, user-dependent, etc)
- Let plugins to extend TML syntax
- Update of core plugins
- Update guide for extension developers
- HTML generation with HTML::Tiny and completely drop
from core and default extensions.
- Consider using some template engine
Improve test-infrastructure
- Use Devel::Cover to guide new tests
- Build test environments (Virtual machine images to perform tests and certify compatibility/limitations)
- Wizards to define/update forms
- Locate topics needing update after form change (Deal with form versions)
- Let plugins to add form field types/handlers (It is already in core since
- Inheritance
- Plugin implementing automata form field (the next value depends on the current)
- Plugin implementing a form field type whose values depends on the values of other fields
- Visualization plugin: use graphviz to draw topic relations
- Wizard to perform complex searches
- Use HTTPEngineContrib to make it easier for personal use, including portable use from a memory stick.
- Usable without the concept of WikiWord
Other Stuff
- It would be nice to run foswiki inside a jail.I want to achieve this somehow (HTTP engine will help a lot)
My Personal Preferences
Uncomment preferences variables to activate them (remove the #-sign). Help and details on preferences variables are available in %TWIKIWEB%.DefaultPreferences.
- Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of WikiWord links, on or off: