Save Wiki Page
The code behind a button which the User pushes to save the current wiki page to a location.
I wrote this with the
LeftBar in mind so the button is in the users
LeftBar and when they push the button, the current wiki page is saved toa location which I have set to be in the users
LeftBar. See
MyLeftBar for more details.
<input type="hidden" name="redirectto" value="%BASEWEB%.%BASETOPIC%" />
<input %DISABLED% type="submit" value="Save Page" />
%TMPL:DEF{OUTPUT:SaveTopic}%%POS:BEFORE% * %URLPARAM{"redirectto"}%
NeilGood - 22 Feb 2009
Text to Add to End of Topic to turn off WSIWYG Editor
%TMPL:DEF{PROMPT:AddWsiwygTurnOffTextToATopic}%%TMPL:P{returntotopicwbaseweb}%<input %DISABLED% type="submit" value="%AltButtonMsg|Add WSIWYG Turn Off Code%" alt="Click to add WSIWYG Turn Off Code to the current Topic" />%TMPL:END%
Turn off WSIWYG Editor for this topic
NeilGood - 26 Mar 2009