Hi, I'm Michael Corbett from
Chepstow in the UK. I'm very interested in using TWiki for product management, project management and general collaboration and information sharing in SMEs. I'm not a coder, more of a marketer so most of my contributions will be in the
Community web.
I hate IRC so you won't find me there very often but you can skype me. I am productPLEASENOSPAMbox on that system and would prefer if you skype texted me before calling. You can also leave me a message by
writing on my wall.
Why not
follow me on Twitter?
FossyTweets for more community members who twitter.
Note: if personal data is being stored using a secret database, then it is only visible to the user and to administrators.
Topics I have contributed to
My Personal Preferences
Uncomment preferences variables to activate them (remove the #-sign). Help and details on preferences variables are available in %TWIKIWEB%.DefaultPreferences.
- Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of %TWIKIWEB%.WikiWord links, on or off:
- %TWIKIWEB%.ChangePassword for changing your password
- %TWIKIWEB%.ChangeEmailAddress for changing your email address
- WikiUsers has a list of other TWiki users
- %TWIKIWEB%.UserDocumentationCategory is a list of TWiki user documentation
- %TWIKIWEB%.UserToolsCategory lists all TWiki user tools