This question about Installation of Foswiki: Answered

Update 2.1.2 to 2.1.3: my report


I just want to report about my experience on the update process from 2.1.2 to 2.1.3.

Basically, I followed the instruction here.

Unix user

The instructions say that one can extract the upgrade package on top of the existings installation by using tar, however the instructions are silent about whether one should run tar as user "root" or as the user that owns the foswiki-files and under which the CGIs run (here: "www-data"). I assumed the latter and therefore used su / sudo to run tar as user "www-data".

configure I

The instructions suggest to visit configure after the update and reset to parameters. These parameters ("Name Filter" and "Upload Filter") did not offer a "reset" button. After changing the value to force display of a "reset" button, I clicked the "reset" button and the value was changed to the one before. So I could not observe and changes here.

configure II

alert warningsIcon.png : The section "Extension" and there tab "Extension operation and maintenance" and tab "Install, Update or Remove extenstions" show this yellow triangle.

More specifically, under parameter "Extension Repositories", a warning message on a yellow background was displayed:

"The Foswiki.spec for the core is more recent than the latest configuration. The Config.spec for HomePagePlugin is more recent than the latest configuration. The Config.spec for CommentPlugin is more recent than the latest configuration. The Config.spec for PubLinkFixupPlugin is more recent than the latest configuration. The Config.spec for AutoViewTemplatePlugin is more recent than the latest configuration. The Config.spec for EditRowPlugin is more recent than the latest configuration. The Config.spec for JQueryPlugin is more recent than the latest configuration. The Config.spec for NatEditPlugin is more recent than the latest configuration. The Config.spec for SubscribePlugin is more recent than the latest configuration. The Config.spec for TWikiCompatibilityPlugin is more recent than the latest configuration. The Config.spec for TinyMCEPlugin is more recent than the latest configuration. The Config.spec for TablePlugin is more recent than the latest configuration. The Config.spec for UpdatesPlugin is more recent than the latest configuration. The Config.spec for JSCalendarContrib is more recent than the latest configuration. The Config.spec for JsonRpcContrib is more recent than the latest configuration. The Config.spec for JEditableContrib is more recent than the latest configuration. The Config.spec for FastCGIEngineContrib is more recent than the latest configuration. The Config.spec for CompareRevisionsAddOn is more recent than the latest configuration. The Config.spec for PlainFileStoreContrib is more recent than the latest configuration. The Config.spec for RCSStoreContrib is more recent than the latest configuration. The Config.spec for MailerContrib is more recent than the latest configuration. You should run 'import extension settings' and then save the configuration. "

I followed the suggestion given in the warning and clicked "import extension settings". Some settings changed ("{Cache}{ParamFilterList}", "{Cache}{TrackInternalLinks}", "{Email}{WikiAgentEmail}", "{Email}{WikiAgentName}", "{LegacyFormfieldNames}") and I saved them.

After I reloaded configure this warning message was gone.

-- DannyBoy - 15 Feb 2017

Hi DannyBoy,

  • Running as the www-data user. Good point, I'll update the instructions for that.
  • Reset on Name / Upload Filters ... I don't recall where that was introduced, but as the upgrade works for 2.0.0 and beyond, it should have a comment that if there is no reset button, your setting are already up-to-date.
  • Spec upgrades: Yes this should be pointed out. Whenever the spec files change "external" to foswiki, then they have to be processed to merge additions back into the LocalSite.cfg.
Looks like everything you encountered should have been expected, and the docs need a bit of updating. Thanks for the detailed feedback.

-- GeorgeClark - 15 Feb 2017

QuestionForm edit

Subject Installation of Foswiki
Version Foswiki 2.1.3
Status Answered
Related Topics
Topic revision: r2 - 15 Feb 2017, GeorgeClark
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