Software error:
After adding source and key to apt source.list and installing foswiki on Debian server 11.10 (Oneiric)
I go to my subdirectory /foswiki to run the config and in /foswiki/bin/view I get the following compile error:
Read on to solution after error...
Software error:
Content-type: text/plain
Could not parse LocalSite.cfg: Sequence (?^...) not recognized in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/(?^ <-- HERE i:AERO|ARPA|ASIA|BIZ|CAT|COM|COOP|EDU|GOV|INFO|INT|JOBS|MIL|MOBI|MUSEUM|NAME|NET|ORG|PRO|TEL|TRAVEL|XXX)/ at /etc/foswiki/LocalSite.cfg line 82.
at /etc/foswiki/LocalSite.cfg line 82
require LocalSite.cfg called at /var/lib/foswiki/lib/Foswiki/Configure/ line 64
Foswiki::Configure::Load::readConfig() called at /var/lib/foswiki/lib/ line 334
Foswiki::BEGIN() called at /etc/foswiki/LocalSite.cfg line 82
eval {...} called at /etc/foswiki/LocalSite.cfg line 82
require called at /var/lib/foswiki/bin/view line 22
main::BEGIN() called at /etc/foswiki/LocalSite.cfg line 82
eval {...} called at /etc/foswiki/LocalSite.cfg line 82
Please inform the site admin.
at /usr/share/perl/5.12/CGI/ line 354
CGI::Carp::realdie('Content-type: text/plain\x{a}\x{a}Could not parse LocalSite.cfg: Sequ...') called at /usr/share/perl/5.12/CGI/ line 439
CGI::Carp::die('Content-type: text/plain\x{a}\x{a}Could not parse LocalSite.cfg: Sequ...') called at /var/lib/foswiki/lib/Foswiki/Configure/ line 86
Foswiki::Configure::Load::readConfig() called at /var/lib/foswiki/lib/ line 334
Foswiki::BEGIN() called at /etc/foswiki/LocalSite.cfg line 615
eval {...} called at /etc/foswiki/LocalSite.cfg line 615
require called at /var/lib/foswiki/bin/view line 22
main::BEGIN() called at /etc/foswiki/LocalSite.cfg line 615
eval {...} called at /etc/foswiki/LocalSite.cfg line 615
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /var/lib/foswiki/lib/ line 615.
at /var/lib/foswiki/lib/ line 615
require called at /var/lib/foswiki/bin/view line 22
main::BEGIN() called at /var/lib/foswiki/lib/ line 615
eval {...} called at /var/lib/foswiki/lib/ line 615
Compilation failed in require at /var/lib/foswiki/bin/view line 22.
at /var/lib/foswiki/bin/view line 22
main::BEGIN() called at /var/lib/foswiki/lib/ line 22
eval {...} called at /var/lib/foswiki/lib/ line 22
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /var/lib/foswiki/bin/view line 22.
at /var/lib/foswiki/bin/view line 22
I am running Postfix, and seeing how this line invokes some kind of mail function (I'm not familiar with perl)
it may be a problem with with my mail server.
I simply commented out line 82 or
LocalSite.cfg with a '#' and it compiled fine after that.
I'm more curious as to why this happened than anything. If anyone has any ideas, I'd love to hear from you!
good solution really - I'm going to remove that line (from the 1.1.7 package onwards) an allow
to set it
SvenDowideit - 11 Feb 2013
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