Installing Foswiki under CentOS
Installation steps
All steps should be executed as root user. (This assumes that your system already has a version of Apache installed.)
- Unpack the Foswiki-x.x.x.tgz file into /var/www, and rename the directory to foswiki.
- Set the ownership of the files:
chown -r apache:apache /var/www/foswiki
- Install the CPAN libraries using
- Use the ApacheConfigGenerator to generate a configuration. Put it in a file named
- Restart Apache:
service httpd restart
- Visit your default
URL and follow the link to begin your configuration.
There are further details on these steps detailed below:
3) Using yum from console:
4) Create conf file for apache
Open the following URL:
Fill the fields as follows (leave blank or unchecked the parameters not listed here):
- Path: /var/www/foswiki
- URL Path: / (for short URL)
- Short-URLs: Enabled (you'll need an Apache module for this to work: mod_rewrite)
- Runtime Engine: CGI
- Choose your Login Manager: TemplateLogin
- Page to return when authentication fails: UserRegistration
- Click on "Update config file" button
- Copy the text that appears in the box below
- Paste the configuration in foswiki.conf file: vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/foswiki.conf
- Save and exit the file: :wq!
- Restart the webserver: service httpd restart