How can I rebuild my WikiUsers topic?

warning This topic was used to create System.FAQRebuildingWikiUsersTopic in Foswiki 1.1. Please try to keep them in sync

warning Under normal circumstances, there should be no need to rebuild your WikiUsers topic.

Sometimes, the WikiUsers topic maintained by TopicUserMappingContrib may not reflect the true list of users registered on your Foswiki installation. This most commonly happens when:
  • You deleted or renamed users and forgot to edit the WikiUsers topic, or
  • You migrated a TWiki installation and accumulated new registrations on the new WikiUsers topic before you had a chance to initialise it with the old list from the old TWikiUsers topic.
Assuming your wiki is configured to use TopicUserMappingContrib, the script below should refresh your WikiUsers topic with an accurate list of users. It uses the USERINFO macro, which protects user information from ordinary users - so this topic needs to be viewed with admin privileges in order for it to be useful.

%FOREACH{"A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z" 
    format="   * $item - <a name='$item'>- - - -</a> $percentINCLUDE{

    "name=~'^%letter%.*' AND ('*UserForm')"
    format="   * $percentUSERINFO{
        format=\"$dollarwikiname - $dollarusername\"
    }$percent - $createdate"

Foswiki 1.0.x

Requires FilterPlugin

Not tested - please refine it or tell us if it works:
<pre class="tml">
%FORMATLIST{"A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z"
   format="   * $1 - &lt;a name='$1'&gt;- - - -&lt;/a&gt;
$percntSEARCH{\"name~'$1*' AND ('*UserForm')\" type=\"query\" web=\"%USERSWEB%\" nonoise=\"on\" format=\"   * $percntINCLUDE{\"%TOPIC%\" section=\"user\" usertopic=\"$dollartopic\"}$percnt - $dollarcreatedate\"}$percnt"
%STARTSECTION{"user"}%$percntUSERINFO{\"%usertopic%\" format=\"$dollarwikiname - $dollarusername\"}$percnt%ENDSECTION{"user"}%

-- PaulHarvey - 01 Jun 2010

Support.FAQForm edit

TopicClassification FrequentlyAskedQuestion
Subject Registration or Authentication or Authorisation
Topic Summary Rebuild your WikiUsers topic with this search. Foswiki 1.1+ only
Interested Parties
Related Topics FAQRebuildingWikiUsersTopic, TopicUserMappingContrib, WikiUsers
Topic revision: r9 - 03 Feb 2012, ArthurClemens
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