How do I redirect users from old twiki install to new foswiki install urls?
Typical scenario:
You have an old install of Twiki™ Wiki which you would like to migrate to a new Foswiki install on the same or different server. Over time many users have bookmarked topics and you do not want them to have to manually edit these bookmarks but you want to redirect them to the same topic on the new Foswiki install.
A user looking to navigate to their user topic on the old Twiki™ server would have bookmarked the topic as:
This same topic on the Foswiki install is now:
In your apache config you should add the following rewrite rule:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^\/+twiki\/+(.*)$ /foswiki/$1 [R=301,L]
Thanks to
PaulHarvey and
GeorgeClark for their help on the apache rewrite rules