How can I stop the WYSIWYG editor leaving tables as HTML?

Study your System.WysiwygPlugin documentation regarding the WYSIWYGPLUGIN_STICKYBITS preference setting. Remove all tags pertaining to HTML tables from the string. An example setting that should prevent any HTML tables surviving the transition to TML follows:

   * Set WYSIWYGPLUGIN_STICKYBITS = (?!IMG).*=id,lang,title,dir,on.*; A=accesskey,coords,shape,target; BDO=dir; BR=clear; COL=char,charoff,span,valign,width; COLGROUP=align,char,charoff,span,valign,width; DIR=compact; DIV=align,style; DL=compact; FONT=size,face; H[0-9]=align; HR=align,noshade,size,width; LEGEND=accesskey,align; LI=value; OL=compact,start,type; P=align; PARAM=name,type,value,valuetype; PRE=width; Q=cite; UL=compact,type

As per the PreferenceSettings documentation, you may add this line on an individual topic, in your web's WebPreferences, or make it global by adding it to Main.SitePreferences

-- PaulHarvey - 12 Dec 2010

Support.FAQForm edit

TopicClassification FrequentlyAskedQuestion
Subject Editing, Extension
Topic Summary Explains how to use the WYSIWYG_STICKYBITS preference setting to ensure tables always convert to TML
Interested Parties WysiwygTaskTeam
Related Topics PreferenceSettings, WysiwygPlugin
Topic revision: r2 - 27 Dec 2011, ArthurClemens
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