How can I stop the WYSIWYG editor converting tables to TML?
Study your
System.WysiwygPlugin documentation regarding the
preference setting. Change all tags pertaining to HTML tables so that we match any attribute name using
on the right-hand-side of the
pair, as follows:
* Set WYSIWYGPLUGIN_STICKYBITS = (?!IMG).*=id,lang,title,dir,on.*; A=accesskey,coords,shape,target; BDO=dir; BR=clear; COL=char,charoff,span,valign,width; COLGROUP=align,char,charoff,span,valign,width; DIR=compact; DIV=align,style; DL=compact; FONT=size,face; H[0-9]=align; HR=align,noshade,size,width; LEGEND=accesskey,align; LI=value; OL=compact,start,type; P=align; PARAM=name,type,value,valuetype; PRE=width; Q=cite; TABLE=.*; TBODY=.*; TD=.*; TFOOT=.*; TH=.*; THEAD=.*; TR=.*; UL=compact,type
As per the
PreferenceSettings documentation, you may add this line on an individual topic, in your web's
WebPreferences, or make it global by adding it to
PaulHarvey - 12 Dec 2010