Basic configuration for Cyrillic support

How to configure Foswiki 1.1.2 to support Russian language (WikiWords, URLs, etc.)?

I got Foswiki to understand Russian language with the following configuration:

The following is set up in foswiki/bin/configure

Internationalisation -> Languages:
{UserInterfaceInternationalisation} = 1
{Languages}{ru}{Enabled} = 1

Internationalisation -> Locale:
{UseLocale} = 0
{Site}{Locale} = ru_RU.utf8
{Site}{CharSet} = windows-1251
{Site}{LocaleRegexes} = 1
{UpperNational} = \xC0\xC1\xC2\xC3\xC4\xC5¨\xC6\xC7\xC8\xC9\xCA\xCB\xCC\xCD\xCE\xCF\xD0\xD1\xD2\xD3\xD4\xD5\xD6\xD7\xD8\xD9\xDA\xDB\xDC\xDD\xDE‗
{LowerNational} = אבגדהו¸זחטיךכלםמןנסעףפץצקרשת\xFB\xFC‎‏\xFF

Such configuration makes correct creation of WikiWords as topic names in Cyrillic and proper linking of WikiWords in Cyrillic. But still there are some issues. E.g., when you attach a file with Cyrillic name and force to create a link, Foswiki automatically creates an encoded link, so that the name of the file is not readable (like foswiki/pub/Sandbox/%d2%e5%f1%f2%ee%e2%e0%ff%d1%f2%e0%f2%fc%ff1/%d0%e5%e3%e8%f1%f2%f0%e0%f6%e8%ff.txt)

In this case you should use %ATTACHURL%/%ENCODE{"file_name.txt"}%: comment

Bugs with WysiwygPlugin and TinyMCEPlugin

Due to the encoding of the topics and webs names, WysiwygPlugin and TinyMCEPlugin don't provide available insert links when you Manage Attachments as there is no attachments to the topic (it is discussed in Foswikitask:Item9973 ) and attachments are not uploaded correctly. Current release of WysiwygPlugin (1.1.1) and TinyMCEPlugin (1.1.7) fix these problems, but still when you insert a link to the file with name in Cyrillic it appears to be broken. You still need to use %ENCODE{""}% macro.

-- IlyaEremeev

Thank you for this FAQ!

For those who are interested, we need to get Tasks.Item10230 fixed so that WYSIWYG works properly for international filenames. Patches welcome. Add your name to that task if you want to help with testing (I don't have any changes needing testing yet, however).

-- PaulHarvey - 09 Apr 2011

I would recommend using UTF-8 rather than windows-1251. UTF-8 is a global standard that supports all the characters that windows-1251 does.

See also: InternationalizationSupplement

-- CrawfordCurrie - 03 Oct 2011

Starting from Foswiki 2.0.0, not need to do anything. The default installation is fully UTF-8, the default store is UTF-8 also. Just enable the {UserInterfaceInternationalisation} and the given language, and Foswiki will just work. (Counting searches, matches, regular expressions, topic names and so on.)

-- JozefMojzis - 04 Aug 2015

I have found a following workaround to link to Russian header titles. For example, your text was:

# Замена hdd

Then you can change it to

# Замена hdd <a name='Замена_hdd'></a>

and then you are able to share a working url to your section, which will be like this:Замена_hdd

-- OneOneOne - 14 Apr 2021

Support.FAQForm edit

TopicClassification FrequentlyAskedQuestion
Subject Configure, Internationalisation or Localisation, Setup
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Topic revision: r9 - 14 Apr 2021, OneOneOne
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