My Graphs topic contains two versions of a diagram which I created using OmniGraffle. The versions are displayed using the following code:

<img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/AxAp_Graphs.png" width='250' />
<img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/AxAp_Graphs.svg" width='250' />

Although both versions display properly, the source code for the SVG image cannot be inspected directly (e.g., using Chrome's Developer Tools).

If I remove the <img src... tags around the URL for the SVG file, Foswiki simply displays the link. If I click on that link, the browser knows what to do. (It opens the file as an SVG image which I can then inspect with the developer tools.)

Is there something I can do to tell Foswiki to display the SVG file inline as an image, the same way that the browser does if I click the link? Is there a types file I need to edit?

As a workaround, I put in a note and a link:

The source code for the righthand (SVG) image above is hidden by the =img= tag.
If you are interested in inspecting the code,
visit [[%ATTACHURL%/AxAp_Graphs.svg][AxAp_Graphs.svg]]
and use your web browser's Developer Tools.

However, I'd prefer to have some Foswiki syntax that let me display the image in an inspectable manner. Help?

-- RichMorin - 18 Aug 2016

Here is some alternative syntax, based on an IRC comment by JulianLevens. It worked fine on one of my pages, but fouled up the formatting on another:

<object data="%ATTACHURL%/AxAp_Graphs.svg" width='250' type="image/svg+xml" />

-- RichMorin - 20 Aug 2016

Just use the svg element:

-- Main.MichaelDaum - 21 Aug 2016 - 18:21

I'm afraid this reply is too cryptic to be of any use to me. The SVG file has an svg element at the top level. Are you suggesting that I also reference the file using an svg tag?

-- RichMorin - 21 Aug 2016
Topic revision: r7 - 22 Aug 2016, RichMorin
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