Next step: Configure the web server
Previous step: Set the file and directory permissions for the installation
Up: Overview

Installing Foswiki: Configure the locations of the Perl executable and the Foswiki modules

Make sure the Foswiki scripts can be executed by the web server. The default location of Perl is /usr/bin/perl. If it's somewhere else, change the path to Perl in the first line of each script (you may have to give yourself write permission first) in the bin and tools directories. You can use the tools/ script to do this; for example:
   cd /path/to/foswiki/bin
   /path/to/perl ../tools/
   # At the prompt, enter the full path to the perl executable, including
   # the full filename of the executable. You will be prompted twice for
   # this information in order to confirm it.
   cd /path/to/foswiki/tools

Some web servers require a special extension on perl script files (e.g. .cgi or .pl). This is not normally required with the Apache web server, though some hosted web servers are configured to require it. If the documentation for your web server indicates that a special extension is necessary, rename all the executable scripts in bin; that is, rename bin/view to bin/, and so on. When configuring Foswiki (see the step "Configure Foswiki"), set the ScriptSuffix option to the special extension.

Create the file LocalLib.cfg located at bin/LocalLib.cfg
  • In the bin directory, copy the template file LocalLib.cfg.txt to LocalLib.cfg. Make sure the ownership and access rights of the copy are the same as LocalLib.cfg.txt.
  • Edit bin/LocalLib.cfg so that $foswikiLibPath is set to the absolute file path of your lib directory. For example: /path/to/foswiki/lib.
  • If you need to install additional CPAN modules, but can't update the main Perl installation files on the server, you can set $CPANBASE to point to your personal CPAN install. Don't forget that the web server user has to be able to read those files as well.

Next step: Configure the web server
Previous step: Set the file and directory permissions for the installation
Up: Overview

  • Set IGVariant =

Customized versions of InstallStepConfigureExecPaths:

Topic revision: r3 - 18 Jan 2010, IsaacLin
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