This question about Missing functionality: Task filed

Treeview div resetted by TinyMCE new version

Treeview DIV are resetted by Tinymce in the last version of foswiki (1.1.5)

This means that using the "Edit" will automatically move the closing DIV tag after the opening DIV tag (with class="jqTreeview"). Thus the Treeview (expand/collapse) does not work any more.

The workaround is to directly edit the Wiki text.

For the ones who made use of the "Treeview" functionality (very useful to collapse parts of text without interest), there is no more Wysiwyg.

May be I missed something but I searched and did not found any information on such a problem. Sorry to disturb you but I do know how to fix such a problem...

-- JeanMichelChopin - 17 May 2012

WysiwygPlugin and especially TinyMCEPlugin is especially sensitive to correctly formed xhtml. 1.1.5 updated to a newer version of the TinyMCE editor.

Note that there is an updated WysiwygPlugin and TinyMCEPlugin in the Test Extensions area that fixes a number of issues with disappearing white space. You might give them a try.

I've never tried JQueryTreeview, so I can't comment on it directly.

-- GeorgeClark - 17 May 2012

I've recreated the issue. The problem is related to WysiwygPlugin auto-generating paragraph tags. This results in:
<p><div class="jqTreeview TMLhtml">

TinyMCE auto-closes the opening <div when it encounters the close paragraph.

-- GeorgeClark - 17 May 2012

Test version 1.1.9 of Extensions/Testing.WysiwygPlugin has a fix to this issue. div's are no longer closed. If you can, please test this version.

-- GeorgeClark - 18 May 2012

QuestionForm edit

Subject Missing functionality
Extension TinyMCEPlugin
Version Foswiki 1.1.5
Status Task filed
Related Topics Tasks.Item11872
Topic revision: r4 - 18 May 2012, GeorgeClark
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