This question about Authentication or Authorisation: Answered

Registered user can't create a new topic, asked for registration again

Hi everybody !

I have a fresh installed Foswiki 1.1.5 and I have difficulties to allow a user to create a topic in a web.

This user is registered on my Foswiki and is a member of the group TestGroup I created.

I created a web with the following permissions (in the WebPreferences page of the web) :

Set ALLOWWEBCHANGE = AdminUser, TestGroup
Set ALLOWWEBRENAME = AdminUser, TestGroup

Guests can't see the web but my user can. The problem is my user can't create a new topic in the web despite being member of the TestGroup...

When the user tries to create a new topic in this web, he is asked to register (redirected to foswiki/bin/manage/Myweb/ despite being already registered and logged in).

I can't find what I have done wrong... The user is also present in the htpasswd file.

I'm using Foswiki on Apache2 with mod_perl

EDIT 1 : It now works. I had to modify LocalSite.cfg to set the lines $Foswiki::cfg{SMTP}{MAILHOST} and $Foswiki::cfg{WebMasterEmail}

EDIT 2 : I was wrong with the previous edit. I installed Foswiki on production server and registered (and logged in) users are still asked for registration when they want to create a new page.

*EDIT 3 kiss Now, when I try to change permissions on MyWeb I got the following error message : La valeur fournie pour action_save or action_cancel a été refusée ( = provided value for action_save or action_cancel was refused)

*EDIT 4 kiss I applied the patch from Item11798, now I'm back to my previous problem

*EDIT 5 kiss The only way users can create or edit a page for the moment is by authenticating as the administrator with bin/configure... which is bad. Any idea ?

FINAL EDIT : The bug was due to the presence of the "apache type login" lines in my vhost file (Require valid-user for files matching attach|edit|manage|rename|save|upload|mail|logon|rest|.*auth) and the fact I am using the default TemplateLogin system.

Sorry for the bother.

QuestionForm edit

Subject Authentication or Authorisation
Version Foswiki 1.1.5
Status Answered
Related Topics
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
LocalSite.cfgcfg LocalSite.cfg manage 25 K 25 Sep 2012 - 09:19 NicoS LocalSite.cfg file
Topic revision: r8 - 27 Sep 2012, NicoS
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