This question about Configuration: Answered
Delete a web
It say "...You may delete a web by moving it into a Trash web..."
WebPreferences , I can only do rename, there is no "move" action!
WebPreferences->Tools, I select "
Rename, move or delete this web"
The help say "...Select the Trash Web to delete the topic...." , but there is no "Trash Web" I can select.
The only thing worked for me is go to the file system and remove the subdirectory
Ah, the joys of English.
Foswiki doesn't support "delete" as such, just move/rename to the trash web. The trash web is called "Trash" (unless you deleted it for your own reasons).
If you think about it, a "Rename" is simply a "Move" to a new name. So you can move topic "BlahBlah" from web "Xxxx" to web "Yyyy" by renaming it from "Xxxx.BlahBlah" to "Yyyy.BlahBlah". Thus to delete the topic "Xxxx.BlahBlah", Foswiki renames it to "Trash.BlahBlah".
The same applies to webs; you can "delete" the web called "Xxxx" by renaming it to "Trash.Xxxx"
CrawfordCurrie - 01 Apr 2009
I had the same problem. However, when I do as is told in the above answer, I'm being told that I can't rename the sanbox web, because Trash.Sandbox is an inavalid web name. See the below copied message:
"Trash.Sandbox" is an invalid name for a new web
You are recommended to choose short names, preferably less than 10 characters, starting with an upper-case alphabetic character and using only alphanumeric characters. If you want to create a template web (a web just used as a base to create new webs) choose a name that starts with an underscore and has only alphanumeric characters.
Hierarchical Webs is currently disabled, you cannot create Nested webs.
Please go back in your browser and try again.
Can you help me, mister Crawford? Thanks in advance.
sounds like you're either going to enable hierarchical webs
or simply delete the
directories from the command line, or via FTP, or whatever mechanism you have to access the files on the server.
WillNorris - 10 Apr 2009
Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately my IT knowledge isn't that big. I'll ask the network manager what the best thing to solve this.
JeroenAalders - 16 Apr 2009