This question about Installation of Foswiki: Answered

A few suggestions re the VM setup

Set up Foswiki as a VM under Virtual box. Got the whole thing running in 15 minutes. Brilliant.

Here are a few observations that cam after that. I have used *wiki for years. So I came with expectations...

Notes on implementing the Foswiki VM

  • There is no toolbar at the bottom. So things like raw edit are not available.
    • as a consequence pages like BeginnersStartHere have limited bearing on reality.
  • There are only two webs visible. Main and System. The Sandbox is shown only in the side bar. Took me a while to realise it was there.
  • How was I to know that the password for admin user was foswiki? I guessed it and got into configure.
  • My instructions for the installation on VirtualBox suggest that I access foswiki through localhost:8888. The config specifies that redirection is not allowed to that address and hence editing is a pain. See To fix one needs to set {Permitted Redirect Host Urls} which is an EXPERT setting in the configuration. Not easy to find. Can that setting be added to the shipped config file?
  • The introduction page would be more helpful if it had a few links:
    • Go play in the Sandbox.
    • Register as a user
    • Edit your home page
    • Register as a system administrator
    • Create a web

That said. THe VM is a great way to promote easy setup.

Thanks for the feedback. smile

Just a few notes - not meant as a vindication.
  • The VM now comes in two (or more) flavours: raw and beginner.
    • raw: barebone version with the (default) pattern skin and no additional extensions
    • beginner: a demo-case, installed with Natskin and other useful extensions showing the power of Foswiki
  • Some things you mentioned are due to the special customization (bottom toolbar etc)

-- OliverKrueger - 03 May 2009

QuestionForm edit

Subject Installation of Foswiki
Status Answered
Topic revision: r2 - 03 May 2009, OliverKrueger
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