This question about Authentication or Authorisation: Answered

Reset password admin for /bin/configure

How i can reset password admin for /bin/configure. (Foswiki-1.0.10, Wed, 08 Sep 2010, build 8969, removed string $Foswiki::cfg{Password} = 'xxxxxx' don't help me (in latest version reset worked))

Updated for Foswiki 2.x

In Foswiki 2.x, the admin password is no longer set/reset as part of the bin/configure save dialog.
  1. If you have access to configure via another ID:
    • Navigate to bin/configure "Security and Authentication" tab, Passwords sub-tab.
    • Set the new password in the {Password} key and then
    • save the configuration (button in upper right).
  2. If you are locked out from bin/configure, you'll need to use the server command line to set the password.
    • Be sure to run this command as the web-server userid, www, www-data, apache etc. The exact user depends on your distribution.
    • user@server: ~  $ cd /var/www/foswiki/
      user@server: /var/www/foswiki $ sudo -u www-data tools/configure -save -set {Password}='asdfasdf'
      ** Be sure to run as 'perl -CA tools/configure' if any settings will use utf-8 data                                                                                                                                               
      Previous configuration saved in /var/www/foswiki/lib/LocalSite.cfg.13                                                                                                                                                 
      New configuration saved in /var/www/foswiki/lib/LocalSite.cfg                                                                                                                                                         
      | *Key* | *Old* | *New* |                                                                                                                                                                                                         
      | {Password} | _[redacted]_ | _[redacted]_ |
    • If you are using persistent perl you must reload (fastcgi/fcgid) or restart (mod_perl) the server.

For older versions of Foswiki

There are possibly two different password reset's required.

Prompt for user/password from the browser when accessing bin/configure
This password to access configure is controlled by the Apache (or web server) configuration, and a .htpasswd or .htdigest type file. You'll need to look at your web server configuration to determine how bin/configure has been protected. Look for the <FilesMatch "^(configure.*)$"> = section in the apache configuration for things like =Require , Satisfy, and possibly an AuthUserFile. That will give more information on what and where to do the reset.
Prompt from bin/configure when saving settings
This is the reset that is done by removing $Foswiki::cfg{Password}

None of this has changed between Foswiki 1.0.x and Foswiki 1.1.x, so the reset process should be the same.

-- GeorgeClark - 28 Mar 2013

QuestionForm edit

Subject Authentication or Authorisation
Version Foswiki 2.1.3
Status Answered
Related Topics
Topic revision: r3 - 15 Jun 2017, GeorgeClark
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