This question about Issue in browser: Needs followup in Tasks
ATTACHURL not substituted and causing error 400s
I have a page, and I edit it, add an image, and then save it.
I edit it again, and the 'network trace' from Firefox tells me I am asking for this url
notice the
was not altered before the browser sent the request.
This is creating a bunch of error 400s on the server, and filling up my error log. Its happening on your server too! (both screenshots attached.)
Any ideas?
- FOSWiki (was twiki, then 1.0, then 1.1.3, 1.1.5, 1.1.8 is currently running)
- Firefox 22.0
- Firebug to show the requests.
Screenshot attached.
TerryRankine - 25 Jul 2013
That's an error in the
TinyMCEPlugin /
WysiwygPlugin editor. It does not happen in raw edit mode. Could you please file a bug report
here ?
MichaelDaum - 31 Jul 2013