This question about Using an extension: Asked
Redirect from Jumpfield causes Error
I have a problem with the
RedirectPlugin: when I try to jump to a redirecting page throught the jumpfield, I get the following message:
Cannot redirect to an already visited topic
The URL displayed in the Adressbar is
You can test it on when searching for the word "Prefixes"
Maybe I have a mistake in my jumpfield?
<form name="jumpForm" action="%SCRIPTURLPATH{"view"}%/En/%BASETOPIC%"><input id="jumpFormField" title="%MAKETEXT{"Jump"}%" type="text" class="foswikiInputField foswikiDefaultText" name="topic" value="" size="18" /><noscript> <input type="submit" class="foswikiButton" size="5" name="submit" value="%MAKETEXT{"Jump"}%" /> </noscript>