This question about Missing functionality: Asked

Create Reference List

I am not sure if this really is a foswiki related question, but I hope that there is somebody who can give a good idea to solve my idea.

What I want to do: Create a reference list like in wikipedia

When I type this:

I have a text like this with %REF{"book"}% and onther word talking about that%REF{"movie"}% and then something else %REF{"three"}%.

---++List of references

The result should give this:
I have a text like this with [1] and onther word talking about that[2] and then something else [3].

List of references

  • [1] book
  • [2] movie
  • [3] three

What I need for that

I'm not sure if there is an existing plugin - which would be great - or if I an solve that using a macro instead. I guess CALC can do a lot here, but I don't know all the functions of foswiki yet.
  • The command REF with a parameter displays numbers in brackets, counting from 1 to endless and stores its parameters for the later display.
  • The command REF with no parameter should check the text of the topic for existing REF tags, then create a bullet list with numbers and display the parameters from the existing REF tags

This may alls work suign a mix of SEARCH and CALC, but I'm not so sure if there are better way to do such things.

After a quick search on Extensions, I found a very close Plugin called BibliographyPlugin, but that's not exactly what I try, because that one expects existing reference, while I would like to give the user the possibilty to add his own rferences.

-- LieVen - 16 Apr 2014

FootNotePlugin would be a natural candidate. However be warned, a client reported that this extension is broken. So I opened up the code. It might need quite a rewrite to fix it. It does miss some of the MediaWiki features.

-- MichaelDaum - 16 Apr 2014

Thanks, that's apparently really what I've been looking for. And I can live with missing "some" of the MediaWiki features, as long as it does what I described before.

How big is the problem of the plugin? What about the bugs reported on FootNotePluginDev? Are they fixed or are those the ones you mentioned? Do you expect this to be fixed any time soon?

Thanks anyway for your answer.

-- LieVen - 18 Apr 2014

Those bugs are now fixed, but there are some more fundamental issues that may surface when interacting with other plugins.

-- FlorianSchlichting - 12 Dec 2016

QuestionForm edit

Subject Missing functionality
Version Foswiki 1.1.9
Status Asked
Related Topics
Topic revision: r4 - 12 Dec 2016, FlorianSchlichting
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