This question about : Answered

Missing space after bold formated text

We have some formatting problems. When we save the following example...
   * Foo *bar* baz
   * Foo *bar* baz
   * Foo *bar* baz
   * Foo *bar* baz
   * Foo *bar* baz
   * Foo *bar* baz
      * Foo *bar* baz
      * Foo *bar* baz
      * Foo *bar* baz
      * Foo *bar* baz
         * Foo *bar* baz
         * Foo *bar* baz
         * Foo *bar* baz
         * Foo *bar* baz
      * Foo *bar* baz
      * Foo *bar* baz
      * Foo *bar* baz
   * Foo *bar* baz
   * Foo *bar* baz
   * Foo *bar* baz
   * Foo *bar* baz

...we get the following example.
   * Foo *bar* baz
   * Foo *bar* baz
   * Foo *bar* baz
   * Foo *bar* baz
   * Foo *bar* baz
   * Foo <b>bar</b>baz
      * Foo *bar* baz
      * Foo *bar* baz
      * Foo *bar* baz
      * Foo <b>bar</b>baz
         * Foo *bar* baz
         * Foo *bar* baz
         * Foo *bar* baz
         * Foo *bar* baz
      * Foo *bar* baz
      * Foo *bar* baz
      * Foo *bar* baz
   * Foo *bar* baz
   * Foo *bar* baz
   * Foo *bar* baz
   * Foo *bar* baz

As you can see, every last bold formatted text bevor a lower level of enumeration changed to
instead of asterisk (*) and a space got missed.

Hopefully anyone can help to solve the problem.

-- DannyRotscher - 09 Dec 2014

This has been fixed in our development version. See (Use the same wikiname/password as on

There have been some fairly extensive fixes in 1.2's Wysiwgy plugin, and they have not been tested back onto 1.1.9 yet.

-- GeorgeClark - 09 Dec 2014

QuestionForm edit

Extension WysiwygPlugin
Version Foswiki 1.1.9
Status Answered
Related Topics
Topic revision: r3 - 07 May 2017, CrawfordCurrie
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