This question about Missing functionality: Asked
List of most popular topics/mostly visited by currently logged user
I wish to display on the main page, list of the mostly searched/mostly opened/mostly visited topics for current wikiuser.
I would imagine that as long as user will not log into, I would like to display text like "To display list of last visited topics, please log into Foswiki".
As I can see
MostPopularPlugin is able to display list of topics but without filtering only currently loged user. Is it possible to do that through SEARCH macro?
I guess I will need to collect/update approprate statistics?
-- MateuszKDzior - 12 Jan 2015
Looking at
MostPopularPlugin, it is very outdated and has not really been updated for Foswiki. I'm not sure I completely understand what you're wanting to accomplish.
MostPopularPlugin list only the most-viewed topics. By "mostly searched" do you mean the most-searched topics? I don't know of a plugin that does this since statistics are are not kept on searches. What do you mean by "mostly opened"? Do you mean most-edited?
The statistics that Foswiki does generate for views and edits
does record the user for each action, so in theory someone could create a plugin that parses these for a particular user and generate some of the info you're looking for. I'm afraid there is not currently a plugin with this capability.
The one part of your question which is fairly simple is display one thing if the user is logged in and another if not logged in. You use %SYSTWEB%.IfStatements and it looks something like this:
%IF{"context authenticated"
else="To display list of last visited topics, please $percntLOGIN$percnt Foswiki"
LynnwoodBrown - 12 Jan 2015
Yes, I'm asking for "the most-searched topics" and/or "most-viewed topic".
Most users of our wiki will try to find relevant information only.
They will rarely edit any topic. Even if they will do that - they will be probably not interested in searching last edited topics.
So, I would imagine that displaying most-viewed topics by
them will help them in every-day wiki usage.
Is writing a plugin an only options? Will it be possible to call some combination of macros/plugins?
MateuszKDzior - 13 Jan 2015
I about at the end of my suggestions. You might take a look at
ContributorsPlugin and see if you can see an angle to use it.
LynnwoodBrown - 14 Jan 2015