This question about Configuration: Asked
According to
System/InstallationGuide#InternalAdmin a password ca be set via command line configuration tool, using the following command:
tools/configure -save -set {Password}='adminpass'
When I tried this, I got an error:
#### ERROR: Password was not found in any Config.spec
VickiBrown - 25 Aug 2015
Works fine here
$ tools/configure -save -set {Password}='adminpass'
Previous configuration saved in /var/www/data/Foswiki-2.0.0/lib/LocalSite.cfg.4
New configuration saved in /var/www/data/Foswiki-2.0.0/lib/LocalSite.cfg
| *Key* | *Old* | *New* |
| {Password} | _[redacted]_ | _[redacted]_ |
GeorgeClark - 25 Aug 2015
Works also:
tools/configure -save -set {Password}='x'
Previous configuration saved in /me/fw/sites/devmast/foswiki/core/lib/LocalSite.cfg.2
New configuration saved in /me/fw/sites/devmast/foswiki/core/lib/LocalSite.cfg
| *Key* | *Old* | *New* |
| {Password} | _[redacted]_ | _[redacted]_ |
$ uname -a
Darwin tango.local 14.5.0 Darwin Kernel Version 14.5.0: Wed Jul 29 02:26:53 PDT 2015; root:xnu-2782.40.9~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
$ sw_vers
ProductName: Mac OS X
ProductVersion: 10.10.5
BuildVersion: 14F27
$ perl -v
This is perl 5, version 22, subversion 0 (v5.22.0) built for darwin-thread-multi-2level
perl = perlbrew
JozefMojzis - 31 Aug 2015
"Works for me" is not a helpful response
VickiBrown - 16 Sep 2015
I asked jomo to try to recreate your issue because he has a similar environment. He provided some details ... Could you provide similar information about perl versions and platform?
Could you try other commands with configure?
tools/configure -getcfg {Password}
tools/configure -getspec {Password}
Is it only {Password} that is broken or are other keys unusable. For ex, can you set
$ tools/configure -getcfg {WebMasterName}
'changes' => {},
'WebMasterName' => 'Wiki Administrator'
$ tools/configure -set {WebMasterName}="My Admin" -save
Previous configuration saved in /var/www/foswiki/distro/core/lib/LocalSite.cfg.3
New configuration saved in /var/www/foswiki/distro/core/lib/LocalSite.cfg
| *Key* | *Old* | *New* |
| {WebMasterName} | 'Wiki Administrator' | 'My Admin' |
If we can't recreate the issue we're going to need your help to try to pin down where/why this is failing.
GeorgeClark - 16 Sep 2015