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How can I add files in a level BELOW a Web?
When I visit "", I am automatically lead to
How can I add a file into ?
Where shall I save it?
LieVen - 17 Sep 2015
Hi Lieven, The web interface only supports adding attachments to topics. Attachments are always in the pub directory. so mywikidomain/pub/Main/SomeTopic/attachment. Your data directories should
never be directly web accessible, so files below a web wouldn't be useful.
GeorgeClark - 18 Sep 2015
Okay, your explanation makes sense. My reason for asking was that I'd like to include a Google analysis tool, and they require to add a specific html file into the "top level" of your website. It has to be - So there is no chance to do that?
The alternative procedure is adding an HTML tag into the "head" of the starting page. Which one would that be? The one that opens first? (like ?)
edit: I just tried and it works. Question answered.
LieVen - 05 Oct 2015
LieVen, To add the google special file, it usually requires direct server access.
GeorgeClark - 07 Oct 2015