This question about Configuration: Asked

Inherit USERSTYLEURL to all children webs, subwebs, topics to hide top bar

I would like to hide top bar in my whole wiki.

According to:

I set USERSTYLEURL in DefaultPreferences.

Since it doesn't help, I've tried further...

Now I have USERSTYLEURL set in all DefaultPreferences, in SitePreferences and in WebPreferences for each web

When I open WebHome for any web, I see that top bar is hidden as expected. However, when I go to any topic which is a children of appears again.

How can extort USERSTYLEURL to be inherited from parent topics/webs?

-- MateuszKDzior - 29 Sep 2015

Seems that I know what goes wrong (why there's no error, no such file or something like that?)

seems to be expanded for each topic separately.

Guess I need hard link (??)

   * Set USERSTYLEURL=mywikiURL/Main/SitePreferences/notopbar.css

or even better substitute mywikiURL with macro which will return mywikiURL (??)

-- MateuszKDzior - 30 Sep 2015

You need to use %PUBURL% or %PUBURLPATH%. %ATTACHURLPATH% is always used to find the path to the "current topic" so it looks in the wrong place. You want a fixed location for the CSS. See VarPUBURLPATH and VarPUBURL

-- GeorgeClark - 30 Sep 2015

QuestionForm edit

Subject Configuration
Version Foswiki 2.0.0
Status Asked
Related Topics
Topic revision: r3 - 30 Sep 2015, GeorgeClark
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